Ursian Empire Organization in Anvimar | World Anvil

Ursian Empire

The Ursian Empire once covered most of Korinthia and the Holy Ardian Empire. It's fall dates the current era.


Birth of a Civilization

  Just below the Crown of the World, the Great Bear came upon two human babes abandoned in the wood. She raised them as her own and named the Ursus and Urdis. The twin boys grew in health and happiness, innocently in the wilderness, learning to tame it to their needs. Ursus was skilled as a hunter while Urdis developed his talents of animal husbandry and agriculture. While the brothers knew only love for each other, they disagreed about how best to live life. Urdis sought a peaceful existence with the animals and plants, giving labour and receiving from them. Ursus sought to conquer. So while Ursus taught his skills to other hunters, Urdis spread the knowledge of farming amongst the people.   One day when Ursus was out hunting, strangers arrived at their home and asked for sanctuary. Urdis invited them in, giving them food and shelter, although he knew his brother would not approve of accepting strangers. In the night the strangers slew Urdis and stole his livestock. When Ursus returned to find what had happened he was enraged. He first buried his brother, naming the place Ur-Kovain (Resting Place of My Brother) and gathered his hunters to him. When they found the thieves, they slew them, man and woman, and took their lands.   Ur-Kovain rose as the first and ever greatest city of the Ursian Empire, and the Ursians never forgot their lesson of maintaining a strong outward face. They set forward to conquer the world, and for much of time seemed to succeed.  

Empire's Reign

  For over 2,000 years the Ursian Empire spread across Anvimar, covering modern Korinthia, the Holy Ardian, even crossing the in-land Dark Sea and encroaching on the Burning Lands. Their expansion in the South-West was blocked by the ancient elven kingdom of Ærindral. Few others could resist the Ursian armies for long.   The Ursians were much more than bloodthirsty militarists, however. They absorbed and built upon culture and technology wherever they went. They built great aqueducts throughout the empire, irrigating fields and cities with great efficiency. They developed philosophy and theology still taught and studied. And they developed a system of highways still in use in Northern Anvimar.    Some of their grandest creations were the great temples to the gods. At these seats of power it is said mortals could seek audience with the gods themselves, each one in a temple dedicated to their specific majesty. While prayer and local worship were certainly part of everyday routine, and it was believed the gods has a greater otherworldly presence, the idea that one could meet an incarnation of a deity at these spots is particularly strong in the lore of the Empire.  

Empire's Fall

Not quite a thousand years ago, the gods grew angry with the Empire. They wiped the great Ur-Kovain from the face of Anvimar, destroying it utterly and the Emperor along with it. Following this, they withdrew from the world, communicating only through oracles and visions. The exact cause remains unknown. Some believe it was simply exhaustion from constant demands on their worldly presence, others that the gods a fickle by nature and time had run out. Whatever the case, troubles went far beyond the initial devastation. It is said in the following days the sun was swallowed by darkness and when it finally rose again it was on a land of plague and famine. The once powerful Ursians were driven from their lands, fleeing North from whence they came to the Crown of the World.

Technological Level

The Ursian's were responsible for many technical achievements including heated bathhouses, hypocausts, chariots, roads of great length and lasting quality.

Purity through discipline. Strength through war.

Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area

Cover image: Korinthia by Hex Sharpe


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