Afsit, Triton Automath Character in Anuwai | World Anvil
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Afsit, Triton Automath

Afsit is the sole Automath of the Triton people.   According to legend, Afsit emerged from the depths beyond the shores of The Cradle on the First Day, wielding the magic of the waters of the Tychi Sea to sculpt the Tritons from the brine and the sands of Yorth's beaches, weaving life and spirit into them as she worked. While she busied herself with creating the Tritons, she was assailed, as were her children, by nightmarish creatures of the depths, so she had to fend them off with one arm while channeling her magic with the other.   Finally, exhausted from her struggles, the Tritons came to life, and upon opening their eyes, saw their maker nearly collapse into the waves, only to be greeted by Efthymia, as she strode along the beach. They embraced one another, seeing their fates entwined, and from that day forth the Tritons felt a kinship with the Sea Elves.   Afsit is depicted as a beautiful, powerful Triton woman with pale green skin and emerald green hair flowing in long locks, often seen walking hand in hand with her companion, Efthymia. She is the more active and passionate of the pair, whose wild tempers are calmed by the presence of her lover.   Afsit is worshipped throughout Vathi by both the Tritons and Sea Elves living there. In Awakened culture, she is often invoked as the impetus behind the storms of the sea, which only the storm sorcery of Efthymia can hope to calm. However, she is often called upon to aid sailors and fishermen alike when the beasts of the seas assail them.   Priests and clerics of Afsit practice the domains of Life, Nature, War, and Order.

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