Val Griffin Character in Anthologies of 2077 | World Anvil
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Val Griffin

alias V


Template by Mozasahan
Template by vos-videmus

OC 2049 - NV 2062: Childhood

Night City is where legends are born.

— The Call of the City (Progress)

Imagine a place where everyone's like your bro or sis, or... a distant cousin, at least.
— Jackie (The Nomad)

Childhood memories, let's see... hoppin' buildings, runnin' away from badges, iron taste of blood from a split lip...
— Val (Gimme Danger)
Grew up in Heywood. Whole street was my family. Neighbors helped each other out, thought nothin' of it.
— Val (Follow the River)

Vista del Rey, where the Valentinos are the true rulers of gritty, though colorful, streets.
— Vista del Rey (Artbook)

Heywood - nothing ever changes here.

Padre (The Streetkid)

NV 2062 - SE 2069: Youth

They say if you wanna understand the streets, you gotta live 'em. Gangs, fixers, dolls, small-time pushers - you were raised by them all. Down here the law of the jungle dictates the weak serve the strong - the only law in Night City you have yet to break.
— Streetkid (Database)

We've got this tradition in Heywood. On your sixteenth birthday your dad gives you a gun. I didn't get one, cuz I had a shitty dad.
— Jackie (The Gun - Journal)
The Valentinos are strictly territoral, operating in Heywood. They're tied to the local community by nearly familial bonds of friendship - and by biz.
The Valentino's friendship is priceless - and it will follow you to the grave.
— The Valentinos (Database)

Most mercs start on the street, taking whatever comes their way until they can catch a fixer's attention.
— Mercenaries (Database)

SE 2069 - MY 2074: The Mox

But the Moxes are different.

Regina (Monster Hunter - Journal)

The Mox is a motley crew of current and former sex workers, punks, freaks and all kinds of outcasts. The gang's main headquarters is Lizzie's Bar, a braindance club.
— The Mox (Database)
The Mox is composed of the people who, if any of them disappeared from the streets tomorrow, you might never even notice: sex workers, ennyless artists, aimless rebels, and restless souls who weren't dealt a fair hand.
— The Mox (Shard)

JN 2074 - SE 2076: Atlanta

Left for Atlanta, lookin'
for a slice of happiness.

Stints (The Streetkid)

Nobody ever leaves Night City,
except in a body bag.

Bes Isis (Artbook)

OC 2076 - MR 2077: Back in NC

Two years gone by, not much has changed.

— Val (The Streetkid)

Hows it feel bein' back home, V? C'mon, admit it - you missed Heywood. What, between all the dealers, hookers and total lack of opportunities, it's got its charm, don't it? You're born in Heywood, you die in Heywood. Unless you're one of the lucky ones, that is. What about you, chica? That include you?
— Jackie (The Streetkid - Journal)

No place
like home.

— Val (The Streetkid)

Jackie chose his friends well.

Mama Welles (Heroes)

AP 2077 - MY 2077: The Heist

Would you rather live in peace as Ms Nobody or go down for all times in a blaze of glory?

— Dexter 'Dex' DeShawn (The Ride)

There's only one door you gotta open in Night City. And that's the door to The Afterlife. Once you cross into that world, peeps'll step aside for you everywhere.
— Jackie (The Heist - Journal)

Hear that?
The major leagues are calling.

— The Afterlife (Progress)

You know, there are some days
when anything that can go wrong, will.

Johnny (I Don't Like Sand - Journal)

Do you want to spend the rest of your days blasting scavs? Or become a legend over night? Your choice.
— Evelyn (The Information)

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

— Hard Reset (Progresss)

MY 2077 - ...: Merc and Relic

Everyone deserves a second chance, V.

— Regina (Second Chances - Journal)

You need someone to handle thing for you - a techie, solo, netrunner or someone with more specialized skills. You need a mercenary.
— Mercenaries (Database)

Gaining the respect of some major players, putting your name out there - that's how you biuld a solid brand in this town. If the road to the top's harsh and full of danger - good. Real fame doesn't come from nowhere. Respect has to be earned, or else you're nothing but a poser.
— Recognition (Progress)
You got a question you just can't shake, head to The Afterlife. Always someone there to whisper the answer in your ear... for the right price.
— Johnny (Ghost Town - Journal)

By now fixers in Night City know who to count on.

— Reputation (Progress)

One thing's for damn sure -
your're not just some nobody anymore.

— Respect (Progress)

The End

As long as you're alive, there's hope.

Misty (Playing for Time)

The race against time has started, with the stakes being no less than your life.
— Race Against Time (Progress)

I haven't decided on a canon end for Val yet.


Tarot Cards

The Fool

The Fool is everyone - including you and me. Each step he takes on his journey feels like stepping into a brave new world. Ultimately, the journey will change him. But as the card shows, he's a trustworthy lad whose tireless hope drives him toward his goal.
Extract by PinkyDude
The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.

The Lovers

The Lovers is the card of dichotomies. It points to the contradictions that clash within each of us and of the challenge of striking a balance between extremes. The Lovers is also the card of dilemmas, like The Fool who stands at the crossroads, unable to make his choice.
Extract by PinkyDude
The Lovers represent relationships and choices, decision about an existing relationship, or a temptation of the heart. Single's lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gained, or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down.


The Moon

The Moon reminds us that reality is not always what it seems at first glance. In a world of appearances and illusions, the best course is often charted by one's own intuition. The Moon is also the card of dreams, desires, and of course, sleep – Death's nightly ritual.

Extract by PinkyDude
The Moon is a card of illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself.

The World

The World lies at the end of The Fool's long and winding journey. Wiser and more world-weary than he started out, the Fool faces a moment of reckoning. Some of us accept where our journey has led us to, while others embark on a new challenge. One thing in this World is certain – you can't have it all.
Extract by PinkyDude
The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. It is an indicator of a major and inexorable change, of tectonic breadth.


  • Full Name: Valerie Griffin
  • Alias: V / Val
  • Gender: female (she/her)
  • Sexuality: pansexual (pref men)
  • Birthday: 12 October 2049
  • Age: 27
  • Height: 1,62 m / 5'4"
  • Weight: 58 kg / 128 lbs (without chrome)
  • Skin Solor: white, some freckles
  • Hair: natural cendre-brown / dyed pink-purple
  • Eyes: 'ganic green / Optics dark green
  • Place of Birth: Night City, Heywood, Vista del Rey
  • Known Languages: English, broken Spanish
  • Profession: merc (2077), dancer (2069-74)

  • Personality

  • Zodiac: Sun: Libra Moon: Taurus Rising: Leo
  • Chinese Zodiac: Snake
  • Enneagram: Type 8w7
  • Personality Traits:
  • fair, honest, direct, clever, intelligent
  • social, understanding, humorous, charming
  • passionate, brave, fierce, vindictive
  • determined, stubborn, headstrong, persistent
  • strong-willed, self-sufficient, responsible
  • indecisive, vain, superficial, materialistic

  • Favorites

  • Colors: purple, pink, turquoise, teal, black
  • Food: pizza, pasta, Mexican food
  • Drink: beer, cola, vodka, coffee
  • Place in NC: El Coyote Cojo
  • Radio Stations: Morro Rock & Body Heat
  • Song: Hole In The Sun - Point Break Candy
  • Vehicles: prefers motorcycles, Jackie's Arch

  • Affiliations

  • Valentinos: grew up in Heywood, friendly relations
  • The Mox / Lizzie's: ex-member / dancer (2069-74)
  • The Afterlife: Merc (2077)
  • Aldecaldos: friendly relationship (2077)
  • Children

    Style (over Substance)

    Screenshots by Nereol
    Screenshots by Nereol

    Fictions of Val:

    Random facts

    NaNo Character Questionnaire 2.0
    Question Answer
    1 What does your character do when they think no one’s looking?
    2 What’s the one thing your character would save in a fire (beyond the necessities)? Nibbles
    3 Who’s on speed dial? Jackie
    4 Your character gets turned down for their dream job. What’s their second choice?
    5 What would they tell their ten-year-old self?
    6 Where would they want to go on a first date? No matter what, just don't call it date.
    7 What’s the best advice they’ve ever received?
    8 What’s the worst advice they’ve ever received?
    9 What’s one physical detail they’d change about themselves?
    10 When was the last time they were held? By who?
    11 What’s their favorite thing about their favorite season?
    12 Their wallet gets stolen. What do they do?
    13 Prioritize: Love, money, power, knowledge?
    14 What’s something nobody knows about them?
    15 What’s in their fridge? Just a small fridge for drinks.
    16 What (creature, object, substance) are they most disgusted by?
    17 What’s their second worst habit?
    18 What are the victory conditions for their life?
    19 In the end, your character fails to save the day. Assuming they survive, what do they do?
    20 Your character is charged with a crime they didn’t commit. What do they do?
    21 Your character is charged with a crime they did commit. What was the crime?
    22 What’s the 140-character version of your character’s life?
    23 What important statistic would they want displayed above them?
    24 What’s the first thing they would buy if they won the lottery?
    25 What profession do they most respect?
    26 What childhood injustice did they never get over?
    27 How would they handle having a panic attack?
    28 Your character is burdened with an inconvenient superpower. What is it?
    29 If they died and could come back as any person, animal, or object, what would they be? She died once and came back. So probably next time she'll came back as herself, too.
    30 What’s the best meal they’ve ever had? Something Mama Welles cooked.
    31 Where would they stand at a dinner party?
    32 Who would they invite to the dinner party?
    33 What makes a perfect day for your character?
    34 If given the opportunity, would they want to know how and when they died?
    35 What’s the one thing they’ve always wanted to do? Why haven’t they done it yet?
    36 What do they tend to joke about?
    37 What’s off limits?
    38 Whose wedding would they cross the world to attend? Whose funeral? Funeral: Jackie
    39 What impossible choice did they make that turned out to be the right one? The wrong one?
    40 Your character now has a hypeman/woman. What would they say to get everyone excited about your character?
    41 What recurring dream does your character have?
    42 What is the meaning of life to your character? Leaving a mark, being remembered.
    43 If your character wrote a NaNo novel, would they be a planner, pantser, or plantser?
    44 What book does your character pretend to have read?
    45 Someone takes undeserved credit for your character’s work. What do they do?
    46 What controversial belief or view does your character hold? Why? Do they hide it?
    47 Your character is at a theme park. Where do they go first?
    48 What’s your character’s favorite name?
    49 What’s the biggest compliment they’d give themselves?
    50 How does your character feel about bugs?
    51 If your character could hit a reset button on their life, would they?

    Uncommon Questions for OCs
    Question Answer
    1 What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
    2 How easy is it for your character to laugh?
    3 How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
    4 How easy is it to earn their trust?
    5 How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
    6 Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
    7 What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
    8 What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
    9 Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
    10 What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
    11 How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
    12 How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
    13 What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
    14 What animal do they fear most?
    15 How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
    16 What makes their stomach turn?
    17 Are they easily embarrassed?
    18 What embarrasses them?
    19 What is their favorite number?
    20 If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
    21 Why do they get up in the morning?
    22 How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
    23 How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
    24 Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
    25 What are their thoughts on marriage?
    26 What is their preferred mode of transportation?
    27 What causes them to feel dread?
    28 Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
    29 Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
    30 Who do they most regret meeting?
    31 Who are they the most glad to have met?
    32 Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
    33 Could they be considered lazy?
    34 How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
    35 How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
    36 Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
    37 Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
    38 What memory do they revisit the most often? Funeral: Jackie
    39 How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
    40 How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
    41 How do they feel about children?
    42 How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
    43 If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?

    Cover image: Extract by PinkyDude


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