The Age of Worms/ The Demonscar Legacy pt. 5 / Bora the 18th, 3593 CE / 2-18-24 Report in Anoria | World Anvil
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The Age of Worms/ The Demonscar Legacy pt. 5 / Bora the 18th, 3593 CE / 2-18-24

General Summary

Not By Choice are on the trail of the paladin Alek Tercival, hoping that he can help quell the rising tensions between the communities of Cauldron and Irongorge. Following their only clue, a map scratched on the underside of an ancient hegemonic plate, the party has traveled upriver from Irongorge, led by their guide Rovu, nephew of Maavu Arlintal, a prominent member of The Chisel. The party has arrived at the first landmark indicated on the map, the Headless Demon, an ancient and decaying statue depicting a demonic creature with a doglike face, rumored to perhaps be a likeness of Nabthotron, the legendary foe of Surabar the Spellmason. As the party disembarked, they were beset by gnolls. Though the ambush was probably set to ensnare members of an opposing tribe, the gnolls nonetheless rain arrows down upon their victims of opportunity. But Not By Choice is quick to fight back, and the gnolls find themselves outmatched, fleeing into the jungle. In the course of the battle, Jozu, Nari's massive raptor companion, knocks over the statue of the Headless Demon, which Rovu fears will further enrage members of the local gnoll tribes, but there's no time to worry over the consequences now, and the party begins their trek deeper into the jungle, using a gnoll hunting trail to follow the path of the map. After several hours in the hot jungle, they reach a clearing and discover a cave which they believe is the next landmark on the map, the one marked as "home." Inside they find the corpse of an ogre, which, though since gnawed on by animals, appears to have been killed with a sword, A discarded wand with the mark of Jeda inscribed on it gives more clues that perhaps Alek Tercival was here in the cave as well. Their investigation is interrupted by the arrival of the cave's current resident, a massive dire sloth!

Character(s) interacted with

Lulu Victry, Idra Brisby, Taavi Victry, Jozu, Rovu Arlintal Monkey Paw Tribe gnolls, a dire sloth
Report Date
22 Apr 2024

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