La'hai Species in An'katerr | World Anvil


Basic Information


They have cloven hooves and short tails. Their bodies are covered in long, coarse hair. They have almost no hair on their faces. Once they've finished maturing, they have 32 teeth in their mouths. They have a four chambered stomach to allow them to break down their food more efficiently.

Biological Traits

An adult female is referred to as a ewe, an intact male a tup, a castrated male as a wether, and a young is a lamb. La'hai are seasonal breeders.   In a flock, it's typical that a group of ewes is bred by a single tup. This tup has proved his dominance over the rest of the flock

Genetics and Reproduction

After mating, they have a gestation period of six months. It's not unheard of for labour to take 2-4 hours. Single or twin lambs are the norm although triplets have happened. After the birth, ewes break the amniotic sac if it didn't break during labor, and lick the lamb clean. Most lambs will begin standing within an hour of birth and begin nursing.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ewes generally reach sexual maturity at six to eight months old, and rams generally at four to six months

Dietary Needs and Habits

They prefer to graze on grass and other short roughage, avoiding the taller woody parts of plants. They use their lips and tongues to select parts of the plant that are easier to digest or higher in nutrition. In the winter they can feed on hay and enjoy salt licks.

Additional Information

Social Structure

La'hai follow a strict flock hierarchy and are highly social animals. They aren't territorial at all but they know what their home range is and become unsettled when they leave it. They like to be close to each other, often standing in clusters with other members of their flock.    They establish dominance in the flock through fighting.

Average Intelligence

These animals are known to be capable of learning although given that they're prone to panic most people don't give them the chance. They have the ability to remember the faces of individuals for a few years. They can also differentiate emotional states through facial characteristics. Some herders claim that, if given names, individual la'hai can be trained to respond to them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have excellent peripheral vision. They can hear very well but their sense of smell is limited as are their taste buds.
Average Weight
Mature tups weigh from 250 to 350 lb (110 to 160 kg), and mature ewes will range in weight from 200 to 250 lb (91 to 113 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their bodies are primarily tan in colour, although there have been white ones and those with darker skin. Their hair comes in shades of brown.


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