Elyen Demyal Character in An'katerr | World Anvil

Elyen Demyal

Sage Elyen Demyal

Physical Description

Body Features

Her skin is a little more tanned than most Zalites given that she spends most of her time outdoors.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a small round mole on the left side of her neck and a vaguely strawberry shaped birthmark on the top of her right foot.

Special abilities

Part of her power is what gives her immunity to drugs, poisons, and alcohol. It’s purely unconscious, an instinct of her body, that takes the bad stuff going in to her body and converts it into something her body needs. The chances of her ever contracting food poisoning or acquiring a food based allergy are slim to none. The other part of her power deals with altering the nature of other things into something they are not. As this ability isn’t particularly strong, she’s limited to converting harmful energy (like electricity, static or otherwise) into less harmful energy, purifying water (always useful when you’re with other people), and creating interesting and often explosive compounds from common household items. Examples of this would be taking, say, a cup of flour and adding an herb and a bit of her Power and causing a large explosion. Most of her mixes explode. Suffice it to say, she’s not popular in the kitchen. She’s been told that she should eventually be able to do larger scale conversions, like turning fruit into vegetables, or base metals into noble ones, but that’s not as big a deal to her as the other sages would think. While on the one hand, she likes explosions, the idea of using those explosions offensively, or in any manner that involves combat, really makes her nervous, especially since it can be exhausting and time consuming to get the mixes right. If it came right down to it and her powers were needed in a combat situation, she’d likely sit down one evening and fill glass vials with substances she has experimented with and carry them with her to throw like grenades.     She learned, quite by accident, that she isn’t vulnerable to poisonous substances. She doesn’t even seem to suffer hangovers after a night of heavy drinking. After some testing, she figured out that she’s immune to the effects of not only alcohol but any of the common poisonous substances. She hasn’t been able to get her hands on any of the extremely dangerous substances, but she’s reasonably sure that they’d have little to no effect on her.

Apparel & Accessories

Elyen likes to wear long, loose skirts and blouses that sit slightly off the shoulder. She has a strong aversion to footwear, but if she has to wear any she wears thin sandals. Because of her preference for going barefoot, the bottoms of her feet are tough. She wears a thick gold ankle bracelet on each leg. In cooler weather, she trades her skirts in for long pants, full size shirts, and long vests. Depending on the temperature, she’ll even wear thin leather boots with fur lining.

Specialized Equipment

Her sage charm is n ornate silver key with an opal set into the top.   The top of her ceremonial outfit is a strip of white cloth that covers her breasts but doesn’t cover anything on her back. The sides are held in place by criss crossing straps on the back. Another silver strip runs all the way around and under the white piece. More silver straps hang the top around her neck. The bottom is a long white skirt with two slits up the front that expose her legs and give her some freedom of movement. A thick silver belt rests on her waist. When wearing her ceremonial robes, she’s barefoot.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Given her hobbies, most people think that she’s a very timid, calm person. This is, however, completely untrue. She enjoys a good party and is quite the connoisseur of wines and other forms of alcohol. She swears like a ship full of drunken sailors and often behaves more like a man than a woman, despite her preference for skirts. She likes men, but she’s not very interested in forming a relationship with one. She highly doubts that she ever will have such a desire. In her mind, there is only one man in her life and that’s Kal Atlien, the protecting deity of Zalityu. While she enjoys an occasional fling with men she encounters, she is completely devoted to her duties as Sage.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is more or less tone deaf. She cannot get drunk or intoxicated by any means.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes to spend most of her time among living, growing things. As such, one of her favorite things to do is spend her time in her flower garden. She’s very fond of animals. She’s likes making pottery and enjoys the feel of the clay in her hands. She enjoys alcohol even though she can’t get drunk.

  She hates shoes. If she can help it, she avoids going in doors. She’s more or less tone deaf. She learned, quite by accident, that she isn’t vulnerable to poisonous substances.

  She enjoys a good party and is quite the connoisseur of wines and other forms of alcohol. She likes men, but she’s not very interested in forming a relationship with one. She highly doubts that she ever will have such a desire. In her mind, there is only one man in her life and that’s Kal Valorn, the protecting deity of Zalityu.


Family Ties

She has two brothers and one sister. She also has a son (deceased) and two daughters
Current Location
Year of Birth
The Crag
Current Residence
Sage's Residence
Her red hair hangs in thick curls down to the middle of her back. She wears it loose.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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