Belle Aire Vehicle in Anira | World Anvil
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Belle Aire

Part of the crew

  The Belle Aire is a Wahah-class large yacht, decorated in its original white and gold colouration. Designed originally for light recreation in Damirian climes, it has been modified somewhat to be allowed transport across the Lerman Passage and through the vastly different weather in Agelua.

Power Generation

Like all Amper Heavy Industries ships, the Belle Aire relies on a lodestone-based power system, which allows ships to operate for the length of the lodestone (about 50 years) before it needs to be brought back to a shipwright for lodestone replacement. While in the air, a rotating ring located near the stern uses sails to augment the power produced by the lodestone (this is a feature in more modern yachts)


The Belle Aire uses primarily lodestone propulsion to move through the air, although auxiliary propulsion can be generated through the use of sails located near the bow and stern sides of the ship.

Weapons & Armament

The Belle Aire is equipped with a harpoon assembly on the port and starboard sides. As an exploratory ship, it is light on weaponry, although the current crew's complement of ranged magic casters render it capable of holding its own while in the air.

Armor and defense

The Belle Aire is equipped with heavy armor to defend it from environmental wear, although it does have slots on its hull to allow for ablative armor.

Hangars & docked vessels

Being one of the larger yachts of its class, the Belle Aire possesses two one-person aerial skimmers for short-range journeys when moored.
The big yacht
The Belle Aire is a one-of-a-kind exploratory vessel, primarily designed for cruising at speed between islands in the Aethergrande.
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
40 passengers/ 150t


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