Ogre Species in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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These bad tempered folk from the northern regions view every problem as something that can be solved by smashing it, and prefers ambushes and overwhelming odds over a fair fight.

Basic Information


Ogres are massive folk with thick skin.

Biological Traits

Ogres are one of the strongest folk in Tamerea.

Ecology and Habitats

Found in the temperate or cold hilly areas north of the Firadas Prairie.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Very few things are safe from an Ogre's appetite with anything they can catch, kill, or steal being on the menu. Unfortunately this can include other folk, and once an Ogre realizes how easy it is to kill them they often become man eaters.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orges tend to live i tight-knit family tribes of up to 16 individuals. Occasionally an individual will leave their tribe to join another or to establish their own.

Facial characteristics

The most noticeable feature of an Ogre's face is their massive mouths. Their heads are topped with unkempt, greasy hair and their eyes are dull yellow to brown color.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Some individuals can speak the Merchant's Tongue.

Common Dress Code

They tend to wear clothes made from the skin's of the animals they have killed.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Violent & cruel games are staple entertainment for them.

Common Taboos

Few things are considered taboo.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

For many folk of Tamerea, Ogres are to be avoided at all costs. Those that live near settlements frequently raid or scavenge these settlements, having learned that they are a good source of food and other supplies. This has earned them a reputation of being savage, brutal, cannibals, torturers, murders, etc. Occasionally they can be bribed to work for others, but this never lasts long. Sometimes during raids they may hybridize with other other folk, which leads to the creation of Ogrekin.
Average Height
Average Weight

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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