Naga Species in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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Of all the folk that call the 'Scaled Continent' their home, it is the proud Nagas that seem to be the more powerful and influential.

Basic Information


This serpentine folk has a long, snake-like body and head, and a scaled torso resembling that of a man.

Biological Traits

Magic Decent magic users.   Venom The vast majority of individuals have a highly venomous bite.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to the jungles and shallow cave systems of the 'Scaled continent'.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most individuals use their venom and/or brute strength to restrain and kill prey. Some have learned how to hypnotize prey to hold still when being devoured, and claims that this makes they prey taste better.   Some can hypnotize prey.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tend to live in families of around 12 individuals.

Facial characteristics

It is the eyes that first catches one's attention when looking at a nagas face, for their unblinking eyes seem to stare into one's very soul. Their mouths, with their sharp fangs and forked tongues.

Average Intelligence


Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Nagas have the most numerous nations and settlements of all folk on the 'Scaled Continent'. They've even created several cities underground.

Common Dress Code

They love to wear flashy jewelry decorated with precious gems.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Values Value luxury, wealth, power, and knowledge?

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Oophagas Nagas have an excellent relationship with the Oophagas, believing them to be the wisest folk of the land. It is also said that one of their gods gave the nagas their venom.
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Nagas come in a variety of colors and patterns.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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