Beithir Species in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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The cultures that live in proximity of the Beithir associate it with lightning. They are said to be temperamental, and have the same hoarding tendencies that other draconiods display.

Basic Information


These large draconoids are from a weird branch of the dragon tree. They have six pairs of powerful, clawed limbs. These limbs are often held against the body when the Beithir is on the move, and are mainly used to grapple prey or climb verticle surfaces. Along their back is a row of spines. May or may not have horns.

Ecology and Habitats

Beithir are found in warm forests and deserts. They tend to make their lairs in sandy hills and desert cliffs and are highly territorial.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivores, the Beithir feed upon small creatures.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The beithir is a solitary species.
Average Weight
Average Length

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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