'God Killers' Organization in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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'God Killers'


To the organization, World Spirits are an obstacle to be removed and replaced with a Civilized God. Their reasoning for this is that World Spirits are uncontrollable, and do not care much for the plights of 'Kin Folk' like the Civilized Gods do.

Public Agenda

The 'God Killers' wish to eliminate all of the World Spirits and replace them with with Civilized Gods. By replacing the World Spirits they hope to tame the wilderness, and mold it to their benefit. For example, by replacing a River World Spirit they hope to make the river easier to traverse and more bountiful with fish.


At one point the 'God Killers' set their eyes on one of the World Spirits of the Hunt that often took the form of a massive white wolf. After months of searching they finally tracked her down and tried to eliminate her. After a long battle they were forced to retreat, but not before they were able to kidnap the young child the World Spirit had taken in. Seeing a chance to destroy the World Spirit using something it deeply cared for, the 'God Killers' raised and trained the child using their own ideals, so when he grew up he was their best warrior. When the day came the now grown up child was able to kill the reluctant World Spirit as the 'God Killers' hoped, but what they didn't anticipate was that the child's grief and the World Spirit's love for the child was strong enough to raise the child to 'Civilized God' status. In his grief and fury the child would then go on to kill nearly ever 'God Killer' present in the area.


Despite some early success, the organization also suffered many setbacks, from being unable to kill certain World Spirits to new World Spirits or non-ideal 'Civilized Gods' taking over a defeated World Spirit's territory. This coupled with the high cost of maintaining the organization would eventually lead to their host kingdom officially disbanding the organization.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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