'Cult of Tongue Parasites' Organization in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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'Cult of Tongue Parasites'

The worshipers believe that the world around them is filled with lies, and only their god speaks the truth. As a result they tend to believe in many outlandish things, from royals actually being monsters in disguise, and that they devour children to maintain their youthful appearance.

Public Agenda

The 'C.T.P.'s' goals are to spread the false truths that their 'God' whispers and gain new worshipers.

Cosmological Views

Common beliefs among the worshipers.
  • Purifying water in any way only destroys the good stuff in it, and will make you sick or kill you.
  • All royals or people with power are actually monsters and are keeping the  general public placid so they may eat their child to be immortal and increase their magic.


The 'C.T.P.' worship a being of false truths that communicates to it's worshipers via special parasitic grubs. These grubs will enter a worshiper's mouth to consume their tongue. They will then attach themselves to the bloody stump, effectively replacing the worshiper's tongue. The being with then use the grub to communicate to both the host and non-hosts Due to how long the grubs take to be fully grown, only the most devout worshipers are allowed to have one.


Only the most devoted of worshipers my rise to the rank of the 'Tongueless', those who host the god's voice so it may speak it's false truths. When first appointed these priests will have their own tongues eaten and replaced with one of their God's parasitic grubs. Afterwards they will dress so that they are covered head to toe in clothing, so only their mouth and chin are visible. This area will be highly decorated with tattoos and piercings in the lower lip.

Political Influence & Intrigue

In the past this cult was rather small and insignificant, strengthening during times of unrest, but recently their influence has drastically increased. As a result they've become more brave and violent in their actions.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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