Andara Elvish army advances on Yarrin
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Elvish army advances on Yarrin

Military action


The first display of the strength of the Elves, who until know had been under attack and been losing ground to the Humans.

The Elves had gathered several hundred mages, some experienced and some very new to the ways of magic. The attack began with the mages striking at the outermost defences, a few watchtowers and palisades. The Humans sent word to Yarri that the Elves were here and together the Humans, totally several thousand prepared to defend the town. Most of them had basic armour or just simple clothes, with mainly spears, a few axes and some scavenged weapons like swords and shields from the Elves.   The Elves had gathered around the town and began to fire upon it with great fireballs and lightning strikes. The Humans were seeing this for the first time and were ill-prepared, hundreds fell just trying to get out of the town walls. As the Humans formed their ranks and began to charge at the Elves even more fell, the city had begun to burn and civilians were attempting to get away on rafts, swim or run along the coast.   The Humans had lost many men but they had reached the Elvish lines, that were only a few mages deep, it was then that the Elves realised where the Humans strength lied, not in magical power but in physical strength, they were tough, resistant and in this instance, extremely angry. The Humans chased the mages down and kill hundreds, with only the more skilled ones able to fight off such attacks. The best mages were able to fight off the humans fairly easily, with their spells able to handle many enemies at once. But they, like any mage, were limited by their stamina and endurance, as they grew tired the humans were able to get the upper hand. Many songs tell of Yarri himself striking down the leader of the mages with his great axe.   After the remaining Elves escaped the humans wanted to give chase but Yarri saw the destruction to Yarrin and ordered the fighters to help put the fires out and help the injured. The damage to the town was evident for years to come and the Humans took a long time to recover.   It was estimated that 600 Elves were killed, along with between 3000 - 4000 Humans.

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