Appendix 1: GURPS Andalus in Andalusada | World Anvil
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Appendix 1: GURPS Andalus

Andalusada began life as a GURPS Infinite Worlds setting. Presented in that format, it'd look more or less like what you see in the sidebar.


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Outworld Operations

Note: This section is complete, but it is not Canon. Feel free to ignore it.
Infinity wishes the problem with Andalus was its divergence. After 850 years, local languages aren't mutually intelligible with their Homeline counterparts (which one crucial language doesn't have), and its commonalities with Homeline tend to be deceptively uncanny. (In *GURPS* terms, Cultural Familiarities have to be bought separately for Andalus — and again, "Moorish" has no Homeline counterpart.) Deep-cover assets are being trained and placed, but no Patrol mission on Andalus has ever had more than two members fluent in a local language, and they're almost always going in completely blind.

The real problem with Andalus is that the Patrol's going in increasingly often:
  • Andalus has no business with R6 accessibility, but the folks Outstairs are certainly taking their time changing it.
  • The original survey correctly judged Andalus as having low mana, and there certainly isn't any overt spell-slinging going on. Nobody has any idea what's going on covertly — Infinity's only option is to hope the language barrier is just as daunting for everyone else.
  • And then there's the problem with Japan. Not the brutal military dictatorship, or the all-too-familiar state cult of death and bushido. The problem is what Japan has instead of that: a picturesque, tourist-friendly atmosphere with a Taisho Democracy vibe — and a spy network with no equal in the world (and few on Quantum 4.) How much Kyoto knows, and what they're doing about it, is anyone's guess.

See also

  • The original writeup, included for historical reference. Please don't see this. I was a baby and had no idea what I was doing.

Other Muslim timelines include:
Andalus (Q4, current year 1930), in which the in which the Muslims of Spain threw back the Reconquista and went on to discover America in 1484, achieving TL6 in rivalry with Japan, Saxony, and Russia.
GURPS Infinite Worlds, p. 118

Andalus, 1930

Current Affairs
As Europe's imperial order prepares for its dieselpunk swan song, the Moors step into the limelight once again. What role will they play? Who will be forced off the world stage? Can anything stop them?

Point of Divergence
1081: Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar is not hired in Zaragoza, which falls to Aragon in 1083.

Major Civilizations
Western (fragmenting multipolar), Orthodox (empire), Western-Islamic (empire with rivals), Japanese (empire), Chinese (diffuse).

Great Powers
France (dictatorship, CR4), England-Scotland (dictatorship, CR3, CR5 in the colonies), Saxony (feudal bureaucracy, CR4), Autocephalous Popular Sobor of Great Russia (socialist technocracy, CR5), Umayyad Caliphate in New Andalusia (feudal representative democracy, CR3), Japanese Empire (oligarchy with democratic tendencies, CR4), Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (anarchic theocracy, CR2).

Worldline Data

6, cusp of (6+1 occasional TL6^
Mana Level
Infinity Class
R6 (Research world; Set aside for special study, but not immediately threatening; Limited outtime trade permitted)
Centrum Zone

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