Umayyad Caliphate in New Andalusia Organization in Andalusada | World Anvil
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Umayyad Caliphate in New Andalusia

One of the Powers and Principalities
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Rising Stars: Great Russia | Japanese Empire | Saxony | Taiping China | the UCNA

Note: The topic of this article has an entire book dedicated to it. Check it out.
The Umayyad Caliphate in New Andalusia (Moorish Calífa de Umaya en Nueva Andalucia) - usually abbreviated as the UCNA in writing, and called either the Caliphate or New Andalusia - is a constitutional monarchy located in Alaxia. It shares its southern border with Axamalla and Mexico, and its northern border with both the English and Scottish Empires.

At the end of the Moorish Fitna, New Andalusia was widely perceived as a cold, anarchic wasteland inhabited by hostile natives and French Catholics. In the absence of a recognized ruler, local factions frequently resolved issues with civil wars. Having no political connections in Cuba, Musa entrusted his son Yusuf to the mainland as a diplomatic hostage to secure the loyalties of the Caliphal Guard.


Except in official correspondence, the UCNA is rarely called by its full name.
  • At the time of its founding, several other factions in the Moorish New World identified themselves as caliphates. "Umayyad" allowed Yusuf to distinguish his caliphate from them (and assert his historic legitimacy against them.)
  • Since Yusuf I, the House of Umayya regards itself as having supranational authority and jurisdiction, including a number of overseas territories currently controlled by other powers. The UCNA is an Umayyad caliphate in New Andalusia, not of it.
  • In 1825 a reconquest of Spain seemed possible; identifying as of New Andalusia could be interpreted as a renunciation of its territorial claims.
  • "New Andalusia" was a neologism created by Yusuf I, partly to justify his self-declared title "Wali of the Two Andalusias."


Note: The article has its own timeline. Check it out.
The UCNA has been governed by five caliphs to date, whose reigns are summarized here.
  • Yusuf I (1825-1873): Nation-building. Many cities were raised during the reign of Yusuf I, including Babaxarque, San Ysidro, and Toleto, and the construction of the Transcordillera connected Medina Almogran to the Pacific Ocean and made it a transportation hub. Yusuf I's reign ended with an upstart victory in the Anglo-Moorish War.
  • Abd.Rahman VI (1873-1888): The reign of Abd.Rahman VI was defined by three events: the abolition of slavery, the UCNA's only civil war to date (the Naval Mutiny), and the post-Mutiny annexation of Cuba.
  • Yusuf II (1889-1911): A gilded age. As the historic abolitionist coalition crumbled,
  • Basil (1912-1923): The reign of Caliph Basil was an endless struggle for peace. On the international front, Basil kept the UCNA out of the Old World wars by maintaining strict neutrality and backing down from naval expansionism. Domestically, this marked the Acuerdo's rise to prominence as a coalition.
  • Yusuf III (1923-present): Although Yusuf III is widely regarded as a weak caliph, for reasons beyond his control his reign will almost certainly be one of global involvement.


The UCNA is a constitutional monarchy, but it isn't much of a constitution by OTL standards. While the 5 April Constitution specified the general form of government but relatively few of the specifics, making it fairly easy to reform.

The Caliphate: The Caliph in New Andalusia is head of nation and of state. Since 1923, Yusuf III has been Caliph in New Andalusia.
  • The House of Umayya: The House is responsible for managing the Caliphal succession.
  • Caliphal consorts: A caliph's wife has no official titles or responsibilities, and their social role has changed significantly over the years. As a general rule, the title "caliphal consort" is applied to a caliph's politically prominent wives, especially if they live in the Alcazar.
The executive branch: The caliph is also head of the UCNA's executive branch, and responsible for appointing the Secretariat.
  • The Secretariat: The UCNA's cabinet is called the Secretariat. While the Secretaries are appointed by the caliph, the Xura has the right to depose them.
The Xura: The UCNA has a bicameral legislature. The Maxaca (cf. مشيخة "sheikhdom; senate") is the senior house, while the Majlis has always been elected.
  • "Moorish Democracy": Ballots in the UCNA use a unique counting method.
  • The six-party system: The three current coalitions are La Cidrerie, the Acuerdo, and the Believers.

Culture and Society


The 1825 Constitution established Moorish as the official language of the state.
  • Karibi Arabic is co-official with Moorish in Cuba.
  • LSM is the official sign language of the UCNA.


  • Islam: Like the rest of the Moorish world, Islam in the UCNA follows Malik in fiqh and Warsh in tajwid.
  • Christianity: When Yusuf I was acclaimed caliph in 1807, his empire was a majority-Catholic country.
  • Judaism: Like the Moorish world in general, Judaism in the UCNA is predominantly Sephardi.


Public Agenda

Like most things associated with the Umayyads, the UCNA's primary purpose is to keep Umayyads in power, and ideally in palaces. Most of its hundred million subjects (and countless supporters in the broader umma) expect more of it than that, however - and the might of nations wants to be used. As the world's most economically and technologically developed Muslim country, however, everyone outside the House of Umayya expects it to do more than that. Some of its alleged goals include the following:
  • Become a naval power: Some of the numbers that have been floated ("tonnage equivalent to the Japanese Empire's") are ludicrous, and any respectable one would dangerously shift the global balance of naval power - but the alternative is an Umayyad Fleet with no limits.
  • Jihad against Mexico: Refighting the Moorish Fitna is off the table and out of the question. It wouldn't bring the mosques or Muslims back; it would bring an Anglo-Scottish retaliation from the north, forcing the UCNA to defend a very long home front.
  • Jihad against Seville: Off the table, but not out of the question. The UCNA doesn't need expeditionary capability for a shadow war, and there's a lot of calls to Do Something about the increasingly ugly situation in Spain. It'd take a much bigger navy (and the mother of all wars) for the UCNA to land troops on the Costa del Sol, however.
  • Win over the Muslim world: With the Turks thoroughly out of the running, the UCNA is currently the most powerful and technically advanced Muslim country in the world. Being recognized as such, especially by the Muslim world, would serve the UCNA's interests nicely, but the UCNA would have handle this delicately. For one thing, in large parts of the world the Umayyads are best known for being hated...


  • The Caliphal Guard: The Caliphate's oldest military service. As our story begins, it's primarily a gendarmerie.
  • Armed Forces of New Andalusia (FANA)
  • The Umayyad Fleet: Currently, the Fleet's assets include three modern super-herculean battleships; two aircraft carriers; a number of obsolete pre-herculeans, engaged in the Umayyad Fleet's first flag-showing world cruise; and no capability to invade Europe. Currently.
The khilafa of Umayya endures as long as the dunya itself, and if any man would tear us down, tell him that Allah is our Restorer.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Andaluseño/-a (Moorish)
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Umayyad dinar
Official language
Moorish, LSM
Measuring system
Prime meridian
Drives on the
Rail gauges

Author's Notes

Before anyone calls the UCNA a Suetopia, its OTL inspiration was the Empire of Brazil.

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  • 1775 CE

    Emergence of LSM
    Cultural event

    The first use of LSM is documented in Almedina de Mexico.

    Additional timelines
  • 1201-1300 AH
    THE FITNA! And what is the Fitna? Who can say to you what the Fitna is?

    1783 marks the 1201st year from the Hijra of the Prophet, the start of a catastrophic century, and the collapse of Moorish civilization.

    Additional timelines
  • 1785 CE


    Musa II
    Political event

    Musa II, last surviving son of Caliph Hisham IV, declares himself rightful heir to the House of Umayya. Since his nephew is recognized instead, nobody cares.

    Additional timelines
  • 1787 CE

    22 August

    Birth of Yusuf I
    Life, Birth

    Yusuf b. Musa, future Caliph of the UCNA, is born in Cuba.

    More reading
    Yusuf I
  • 1801 CE

    Hajji Yusuf sent ashore
    Diplomatic action

    The caliphal pretender Musa sends his son Hajji Yusuf to the Alaxian mainland, entrusting him to the emergent Caliphal Guard as a diplomatic hostage.

    More reading
    Yusuf I
    Additional timelines
  • 1809 CE

    Acclamation of Yusuf I
    Political event

    The Caliphal Guard takes bay'ah from Yusuf I, acclaiming him caliph.

    Additional timelines
  • 1811 CE

    Exploration of the Mississippi River
    Discovery, Exploration

    Yusuf I orders an expedition to map the Mississippi River to its (as yet undiscovered) headwaters.

  • 1819 CE

    Construction of the Alcazar
    Construction beginning/end
  • 1825 CE

    5 April

    Constitution of New Andalusia promulgated
    Political event

    After a decade of rule and several years of petitioning, Caliph Yusuf I promulgates the Constitution of New Andalusia on April 5, giving the "Umayyad Caliphate in New Andalusia" its modern name and form.

    Additional timelines
  • 1841 CE

    Toleto founded

    The city of Toleto is founded in the UCNA.

  • 1844 CE


    Flood of 1844
    Disaster / Destruction

    The UCNA is struck by the worst flood ever recorded on the Missouri River and Upper Mississippi River. The absence of levees allows the damage to spread much further than any flood since.

  • 1855 CE

    5 April

    the 0% Jizya
    Cultural event

    After extensive campaigning, the jizya is set to a 0%.

  • 1864 CE

    1868 CE

    Anglo-Moorish War
    Military action

    Border disputes erupt into full-blown war between the UCNA and the Imperial Union of England-Scotland. The war ends in a startling Anglo-Scottish defeat and results in the reorganization of England-Scotland.

    Additional timelines
  • 1871 CE

    Introduction of the TAHA Metallic Typewriter
    Scientific achievement

    M. Taha wins a prize from Yusuf I for designing the best Arabic typewriter, leaving him with 4,000 silver dinars, a patent on the SHIFT key, and an order for a small batch from Egypt.

  • 1873 CE

    Death of Yusuf I
    Life, Death

    Yusuf I, founder and first caliph of the UCNA, dies after several years of illness and nearly sixty years of rule.

    Additional timelines
  • 1874 CE

    Acclamation of Abd.Rahman VI
    Political event

    After a turbulent succession dispute within the House of Umayya, Abd al-Rahman is acclaimed Caliph of the UCNA, becoming the sixth Umayyad caliph to bear the name.

  • 1884 CE

    21 July

    Annexation of Cuba
    Diplomatic action

    Additional timelines
  • 1889 CE

    Acuerdo de Toleto
    Political event

    The Black Scarves print the Acuerdo de Toleto, becoming the first political party to openly advertise their terms and conditions of electoral coalition.

  • 1890 CE

    Acclamation of Yusuf II
    Political event

    Additional timelines
  • 1898 CE

    Birth of Mohja Amatullah
    Life, Birth

    Mohja Amatullah, current caliphal consort of the UCNA, is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1901 CE

    Birth of Yusuf III
    Life, Birth

    Yusuf III, current Caliph of the UCNA, is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1904 CE

    The Alzamendi Rifle
    Scientific achievement

    After years of trials, the War Palace finally adopts the Mo.22 Alzamendi rifle.

  • 1906 CE

    18 April

    San Ysidro Earthquake
    Disaster / Destruction

    Additional timelines
  • 1909 CE

    The Battleship Party
    Political event

    The Grand Principality of Mexico purchases a herculean battleship, setting off a New World arms race.

    Additional timelines
  • 1920 CE

    Yusuf III marries Mohja Amatullah
  • 1923 CE

    Acclamation of Yusuf III
    Political event

    Yusuf III is acclaimed Caliph of the UCNA.

    Additional timelines
  • 1927 CE

    Great Mississippi Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    The worst flood in the UCNA's history leaves 70,000km2 submerged beneath up to 9m of water.


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