Belief of Ancient Power Material in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Belief of Ancient Power

The Realm of Ancient Power is sustained by Humans/Mortals believing in Magic and the mystical world. It was long ago when it all began and humans lived in a time when Magic was allowed. Humans and The Human Collective Consciousness did not give birth to the enchanted Spirits but gave them a life beyond dreams! The Spirits depend on people’s belief that ensures Ancient Power survives. The first and main spirit, The Spirit of Ancient Power, is the entire realm’s spirit. It relies on Humankind to believe in the impossible and the magical/mystical. It is powered when people believe and celebrate the Pagan way of Litha (Summer Solstice). It is correct to say it is a general spirit.     The more specific spirits are what we call Holiday Spirits.     The Holiday Spirits are powered by people participating in holiday celebrations, getting stronger as more humans join in the celebrations.     Every minor, major, and cultural holiday has a spirit. Although there are only a few of them that involve Ancient Power. The main ones are Christmas and New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and each in the Wheel in the Year.     Holiday Spirits are part of Ancient Power and so they do boost it a bit. But both act in tandem with humans as an energy source to give the Ley Lines and the Auroras their magic.     During a holiday, that spirit is the main spirit receiving energy. It is only during normal time will the Ancient Power Spirit be given more belief and therefore everything will be more vibrant, more jacked with power.  

History of Ancient Power Belief

Historically AKA In Auld Lang Syne, both worlds lived side-by-side in Harmony. Then The Human World started pulling away. It is believed that some of them started spewing false truth that magic is evil. This only added fuel to the cultural fires. Wars increased due to various beliefs. Human expansion Increased as their population outgrew the space. This also causes various species of animals to die as humans hunted them for food. Soon, both worlds separated. Years pass and The Mystical World eventually fades away from Human memories. Now, only children are able to see and communicate with mystical beings. It was much later and without Humankind knowing that mystical species leave Earth as they couldn't survive in this world as it is.     Could it return? Will it return? Two questions worth asking and yet never are. The Guardians stayed behind for the children. They depend on the spirits. And yet, using them also energize the HCC for use each and every year.


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