Luminex Geographic Location in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil


Location Circinus Stream / Elpis System / Moon of Hestia
Population 12.000
Capital Hope Orbital
Ownership Independant
Luminex is a moon of Hestia and the HQ of the eponymous Coalition corporation, located on a moon with a powerful magnetosphere. The colonization of Luminex is often credited for triggering the Hestian Rush and for driving the inner worlds to a sustained spacefaring economy.   Built in the 87th Cycle, a large part of Luminex Facility is dedicated to hydroponics, enabling the station to feed other ring stations at a far lower cost than importing from the inner worlds. Whilst small-scale exploration and settlement of Hestia had occured beforehand, it is often argued that the settlement of this facility truly enabled the colonial powers to expand into the Belt. The Hestian Rush occured as a direct result as colonists and corporations expanded into the area, which over the next few years would help resorb critical sortages of Mithral, Thaumium , Uranium and Helium - all used not just in the spacefaring industries but also in power generation.
Space Station


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