Hyporia Station Geographic Location in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Hyporia Station

Location Circinus Stream / Elpis System / Aistanar L2 Point
Population 120.000
Capital Sector Yule
Ownership Boshaari Council
Hyporia Station is the main shipyard and maintenance facility of the Boshaari Council. Like other major orbital facilities, it was once a chunk of the Embassy Ark which was placed into orbit early on in the colonization of the Elpis System. Hyporia was turned by the Council into a vibrant space city and the gateway to Aistanar as well as Yanta and Vala. It is an important meeting point between the ara'balai homeworlders, neni'balai offworlders, as well as belters and citizens from across the Elpis system.   Different sectors of the ship are decorated in strikingly different ways, sometimes inspired by the nations and cultures they left behind. Sector Tinco has been refitted into the commerce and shipyard district, and is known for its garish yellow-red hues and its slum-streets running alongside the maintenance ductways. Sector Sule is draped in white and golden cloth and is known for its quiet, contemplative hydroponic forests. The main shrine in Sector Lambe is bathed in etherial shades of purple in the middle of a giant pond on the highest deck, overlooked by a giant orrery and observatory into the endless stars above.
Space Station


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