Rooks and Kings Clinical Provision Team Organization in Amnar | World Anvil

Rooks and Kings Clinical Provision Team

The Rooks and Kings Clinical Provision Team was established by a group of Watchers to provide a permanent medical service outside the Amin Duum Bubble. It was initially intended to serve trading groups and nomadic tribes in The Eastern Desert, especially those visiting Amin Duum itself. The team was established in 4622 SA, following the successful development of a clinic to the north of Nas Isca set up by the Senior Master Watcher, Andiru , in 4612 SA. Andiru had written several papers prior to his death suggesting that the use of small kata hubs outside the central Amnari Bubbles would enable Watchers to use kata to support the health and wellbeing of non-Amnari living outside the Alliance. His argument was based on the widespread feeling in the early 4600s that Amnar had the resources to provide support not only within the Bubbles but Outside as well. The clinic at Rooks and Kings was therefore the second clinic to be established on the boundary of an Amnari Bubble, using hub technology to enable Watchers to provide more advanced medical provision to non-Amnari locals living in or visiting the area. The team based at Rooks and Kings are drawn from Watchers with an interest in providing medical care in a non-Amnari setting, but for the purposes of technical administration, are under the governance of the Dedicated Gap and Academic Infirmary.


The Clinical Provision Team structure is based on the standard used in Dedicated Infirmaries throughout the Amnari Alliance. Two Senior Master Watchers provide oversight on a rotating basis, with a third on-call based out of the assigned Infirmary (in this case, Dedicated Gap and Academic). A group of Master Watchers with a range of specialisms work at the Clinic on a rotating basis, as do all levels within the clinic setting. A typical rotation is three months, although six months is allowed for Watchers wishing to develop a research project or a specialism in providing non-Gap-related medical care outside of an Amnari setting. In 4635, this was a relatively new field, and the clinic was staffed by a number of Watchers, although the two Senior Master Watchers supervising the clinic established a rule early on that applications to work at the clinic should be limited to Duty Watchers and above.   On a day-to-day basis, the clinic is run on a system identical to that in a larger infirmary. Two Watchers run the floor on Desk Duty, assigning tasks and managing the administration of patients. Owing to the fact that the patients visiting the clinic are not Amnari and frequently have no Amnari record, a separate system was established, based on Andiru’s original recommendation that individuals seeking treatment should have their records kept separately and not accessible on the wider Amnet. As locals in the area gained confidence in and relationships with the Watchers staffing the facility, it became possible to explain the value in maintaining a localised database of patients in order to facilitate improved and consistent care. The clinical team providing frontline care are also supported by an administration team, trained in the Academic and Service systems. At first, this was only one or two individuals, but as the clinic became more popular with Outsiders and began to receive more patients, it became necessary to establish an administrative team with the capacity to maintain a small external katanet using an enlarged Hub. As team members rotate in and out of the frontline clinical team, a protocol for handovers based on that used at the Dedicated Gap and Academic Infirmary became standard procedure. By 4634, several Senior Duty Watchers stationed at the Rooks and Kings clinic requested permission to remain on-site for extended periods of up to a full thirteen-month cycle or even longer.


The political bent of the Clinical Team ensures that the Watchers staffing Rooks and Kings tend to have an interest in providing medical support outside the context of Gap Defence. They do, however, reflect the Academic culture from which they have come, with an emphasis on duty and service. They expand this sense of service to include not only those directly involved in Gap Defence and Amnari life, but to all those living Outside.

Public Agenda

The Clinical Provision Team has a wider agenda related to that encouraged by various Watchers and Warriors keen to build relationships with non-Amnari cultures. This includes providing research and encouragement to Watchers in other Amnari states to develop clinics. The Team supports those wishing to expand Amnari support and influence outside the various Bubbles and states, and objects to those factions insisting that Amnar should remain entirely and only focused on defending the Gaps.


The Senior Master Watcher Cateriska, having worked with Andiru  As his Senior Duty at the clinic in Reinkäyl First approached the First High Watcher in Amin Duum when her application for Mastership was accepted (4630 SA). She proposed an initial research protocol to establish demand for a clinic on the border of Amin Duum, based on the large number of trading caravans and small nomadic tribes in the area. This was initially opposed by the First High’s advisory panel, on the basis that, unlike Nas Isca, the Gap at Amin Duum was a high-risk and unstable area and did not have the resources to staff a clinic not focused entirely on Gap Defence Support. Cateriska then adjusted her proposal on the advice of Andiru’s successor at the Reinkäyl clinic (SMW Tamadyan) to suggest that as Amin Duum frequently traded with a number of Outsider groups, including Salt Sea traders and nomadic tribes living in The Eastern Desert dune sea, they had a responsibility to ensure that anybody entering the area was not subject to the unstable kata forces that frequently caused storms on the Plain above. She also approached Arandes Nashima, who had only recently attained the position of Senior Servant to the Guardian Defender (4633 SA), and gained his support for the proposal through Ashad Amin himself. Following Andiru’s advice, Cateriska had already established a small Clinical Team in 4630 to develop her proposal. This was then formally assigned to the oversight of the Dedicated Gap and Academic infirmary in 4631, and the site at Rooks and Kings was chosen as a suitable location for a clinic.
Founding Date
Military, Medical
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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