Observations on Necromancy Document in Amma-Saeth | World Anvil
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Observations on Necromancy

I lived as a caretaker for the garden of a temple for many years. I have witnessed the cycles of life. I have raised my children and have watched them die.   The dead ways, or necromancy, seems to be something rather benign, in my opinion. When you can connect with something and bring it back to the world, that is a good thing. It is not as though you've broken some law, but simply taken one thing from somewhere and moved it somewhere else. I suppose that some might consider a necromancer a thief. Perhaps that thing you've taken belongs to someone else. But who is to say that it was not yours? If my children are not mine, then whose are they? If my husband is not mine, then to whom does he belong.   I believe that it is fear that motivates people to believe that necromancy is wrong. There are many who do understand the separation between body and mind (parallel and sovereign), but believe that they are one. When the body perishes, the mind must perish too. To them, there is nothing more. However, when the dead rise or a specter speaks, they turn their heads away. "Apparition!" they cry, as though to excuse their ignorance, their self-deception. But it is the joy that I have in my life, to watch those fools.   You see, some people cannot see the silver thread that ties the body to the mind (parallel to the essence). But I can. I can see the line that draws us now to some other place. I've followed that thread, but that place is somewhere I cannot see. There are those who believe me and have pursued my gifts, but they are fools that want to pursue errands. I have watched the clerics heal the poisoned and remove the cursed, but they don't believe that what they do is of the dark. They believe that they serve the light. But necromancy does not know light from dark. Necromancy deals the unfinished.
Journal, Personal


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