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The world of Amesdar is a continent about twice the size of Europe. It's gone through different periods seeing the rise and fall of different species and civilizations. The ruins of said civilizations are scattered around the different areas of the world giving a lot of opportunities for mysteries and discoveries. Through the ages, different species rose to dominance and then fell to oblivion. Now it is time for humans to be the dominant specie as the time of elves, dwarves, giants and dragons is mostly gone and forgotten. Some centuries back, a great event changed the world forever, a great breach between worlds appeared and plunged the world into chaos. History before the appearance of that breach is mostly unknown as records have been destroyed or lost and the ancient races aren't prone to share the knowledge with the impetuous humans.   A great mountain range divides the continent from north to south separating the wild and mostly unknown east where the breach is from the more civilized west where the human kingdoms fight for dominance and prosperity. The main power in the west is the empire of Vandar but even with it's great armies and superior technology, the empire is not without turmoil. It's appetite for new territories as it's forces stretched thin and a recent ''coup d'état'' by magic users created a schism between magic users and the rest of the imperial population. Even at the head of the empire, different point of views collide as the traditionalists are opposed to the more aggressive ''civilization spreaders''. As the internal strife rises, external threats also starts to manifest. In the east a rival nation starts to rise, a mighty dragonborn empire rivaling in strength with Vandar grows in size and clashes with easternmost garrisons of Vandar. The empire as never been as strong but it's future so uncertain.   A myriad of different nations, city-states and other powerful entities can be found around Amesdar. The apex of their power may be long gone but the humans are not the only ones to be reckoned with, elves, dwarves and other creatures still have their own interests on the continent and are ready to fight for them.