Kaispau Flying Eagle Character in American Pie | World Anvil
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Kaispau Flying Eagle

Kaispau Flying Eagle

Early Life (1932-1948)   Kaispau was considered to be the “Ni-john-as Gichit-waa add-isoo-can ag”, or the “Sacred Spirit-Child”. Children born of the Genasi were considered to be blessed by Great Spirit by being given the ability to meld with the four elements. For this reason when born he was revered by the tribe, and given special care from the tribal elders. They took over care of the child, and taught him the special status he possessed. He was still allowed to see everyone in the tribe, and kept special contact with his mother and father.   Reservation life in the 1930s and 40s was very hard. The government offered no monetary assistance, and the money that did come in was often barely enough to meet up with the taxes placed on the tribes. The Ojibwe of Manitoulin island were no different. The only thing they were exempt from the draft, although during the second world war some young men of the tribe went off to fight, as a way to send back money to their families. During this time many young children in the tribe became very inquisitive to the outside world, including Kaispau. Because of his gift however, the elders did not allow the children to know of global events.   As the months and years went on, soon the elders began teaching Kaispau how to use his gift. His very first lesson was of course to use his gift to help all of Great Spirit’s creations, and never hurt anything unless absolutely necessary. Often the elders would take him to the lakeside and teach the young child how to bend water to his will. Other times they would show him how to create fire out of thin air. But no matter what the boy was learning, slowly but surely.   Some years later, after teaching with the elements was complete, they moved onto more complex ideas. Summoning animals, shapeshifting into them, and curing the wounds of the sick. In this aspect he excelled, becoming great friends with woodland creatures and becoming an experienced healer in a matter of months.   Traveling Years (1948-1965)   On the eve of Kaispau’s 16th birthday, he was summoned to the ceremonial Wigwam and given a coming of age ceremony by Binesi, the respected tribal chief. As part of the ceremony, Kaispau was given a Staff of the Ojibwe Woodlands, generations old and meant for the next Genasi of the tribe. He also received a flute and pipe made by the greatest craftsman of the tribe, and a ceremonial pot that had the ability to summon an elemental of to help defend him. As a final farewell, Kaispau was sent on a vision quest in the Wigwam, and told he would be forced to depart the next day to take on his quest for Great Spirit, going out to find his destiny. To a shellshocked young native who had barely any concept of the world outside a reservation, it was depressing. The vast concrete cities of the white man dominated the landscapes, his machines poisoned the air, land, and water. Nature was being killed slowly and painfully by him, and the native people were forced to sit on their reservations and watch it. It brought a great depression and anger to him.   Early on Kaispau walked from town to town, looking for pieces of information and just trying to get a sense of the world. He was shunned from many places for his blue skin color and lack of acclimation to modern customs. These dwarfs taught Kaispau about the world, and a brief history of recent events, including the world wars. They also introduced him to a new idea, Marxism. Although it did not match up much w/ his naturalist ideas, Kaispau did adopt some aspects of Marxism, such as shared wealth and egalitarianism.   The life in a dwarven camp is not always for humans though, or specifically Genasi. It can get cold and lonesome. So after a while Kaispau left and headed south. He made his way to the US border, but was turned away. He then polymorphed into an eagle to travel across, and continued his journeys. From the Dakotas to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. During most of this time he was in solitude, helping the animals whose homes had been destroyed by pollution. Many listened to his impassioned speeches on nature, if only to gawk and make fun of him. Soon after Kaispau headed east towards one of the last untouched areas left in North America: The Appalachians.   Appalachia (1965-1971)   The Appalachians are known for their long, imposing strings of mountain tops, and long rolling valleys in between. It took two hundred years for the white settlers to cross it in numbers, and only a hundred years to cross the rest of the continent. Interspersed in these valleys of wheat and maize were many untouched groves of forest, where not even pollution severely affected nature. Inside one of these valleys were a group of druids, using their magic to hide it from the world.   The local druids were very welcoming to those of their own kind. Once Kaispau arrived he was received with open arms. He made friends with many, especially a fox that he named Kemo Sabe. Kaispau, Kemo Sabe and the others lived a very happy life. But everything was not as it seemed.   People are very odd. Sometimes they do odd things. The druids of the appalachian valley went became very odd in 1970. They started acting insane one night, acting more and more like city dwellers, until one point they up and left for the city. Some went to Atlanta, others Chicago, even more out west. But most went to New York City, the largest city in the world most detached from nature. Kaipau felt destroyed, especially for the local leader, a Firbolg named Justin. Kaispau swore vengeance, and made his way Northeast to try and find out what happened, and maybe rescue his friends.   Death (1971)   After traveling with the party for some time, Kaispau died in dick biggening surgery.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A very tall man with a stocky build, Kaispau is one that is not to be trifled with. His physical form, if not imposing, is recognized by many on first meeting. His arms are large and muscular, the rest of his body, while not muscular, is well conditioned. A small scar on his right soldier denotes a previous would from 1949, from his traveling years.

Facial Features

His tanned face is defined with a large, pointed nose. Very wide and pursed lips sit atop a chisled chin, surrounded by shapely cheekbones. Large, tired eyes rest on top, worn with bags. Very large sit on either side of his face, visible thanks to his jet black hair thrown back thanks to a small cloth band.

Apparel & Accessories

An ornate staff including a canvas bag, w/ 1 of 5 clothing types: 1. A denim suit that is most commonly worn, with a brown t-shirt and comfortable hiking shoes. 2. Traditional leather cloths from is his Ojibwe tribe 3. A black suit that seems straight out of 1945 4. Warm winter clothing, a beige sweater, boots, and jeans 5. TBD

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





St. John the Baptist Finishing School for Indians

Morality & Philosophy


Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kaispau can read almost anyone like a card. He can and will also help anyone who needs it with his herbal medicine kit, however how weak it may be to the person. He is also very gifted at the flute.   However he is very bad at lying and deceiving people.


Weiss Goldmane


Towards Kaispau Flying Eagle


Kaispau Flying Eagle


Towards Weiss Goldmane


Native. Environmentalist. Friend.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
1932 39 Years old
Ojibwe Indian Reservation, Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 lbs.
Known Languages
-Ojibwe -English -French -Druidic -Primordial -Sylvan

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