Tadrel Nodeem Character in Amen | World Anvil

Tadrel Nodeem


Tadrel's Story.

Tadrel was born in Riftmount, a small town south of the Guidewind Headquarters that serves as a sort of stopping point for people going to and from the Rift. Growing up in Riftmount made Tadrel admire the ones around him and made him realise the worth that everyone brings to the table. Tadrel was born into a stern household and raised by his father, Grelmon. Tadrel is the oldest of his siblings. He has one sister and a brother, who are 23 year old twins. Tadrel doesn't know too much about his mother, Grelmon doesn't like to talk about her. From what Tadrel remembers, his mother was very beautiful and extremely kind, but then again Tadrel hasn’t seen or heard from his mother since he was 5 or 6 years old. Tadrel always wanted to be just like his father. Which is why when he was 15 he started training to become a townsguard for Riftmount. When Tadrel was 24 his father sought out a career at the Guidewind Headquarters, where he showed his many many years of experience and made his way to the rank of Journeyman. Tadrel didn't hear from his father much but always loved to hear what was happening in Guidewind HQ. Grelmon told Tadrel that he would be on a longer job than usual, guarding a caravan that was traveling from Waifport to Westerbrook. During this journey Grelmon and the other Journeymen in his group were attacked by an Apex, a jaguar-like creature with bony protrusions coming out of its back that it uses to pin their prey. The journeymen protecting the caravan wounded the creature enough to make it retreat, but not without losing two members of their group, Grelmon and his good friend Raffel. Tadrel was devastated by his father's passing. He could barely get out of the house let alone tend to his duties as a town guard. As days of mourning turned into weeks Tadrel saw a group of knights from Guidewind HQ moving through the town. Tadrel thought to himself, “Would father really want to see me end up like this? A broken husk of a man.” Tadrel began training again, still not attending to guard duties as he had been relieved of his position. Eventually Tadrel sought out a position as a Journeymen of the Guidewind Headquarters, he wanted to make his father proud. Upon getting to Guidewind he began the steps toward becoming an apprentice, a rank below what his father was, but it's still a start. Tadrel was confident about his application, he thought he performed well. To his surprise Tadrel failed the application, still determined to achieve the rank of apprentice, Tadrel swiftly reapplied. He was then swiftly declined, still underperforming on the application, he was told by one of the higher ups that he should take some time to collect himself and train more, as he clearly wasn't ready to become an apprentice of Guidewind. Tadrel was devastated by this, a mixture of rage and sorrow came over him as he tore through his home; taking out his anger on the random assortments of furniture and training dummies. At the end of the day Tadrel could barely even move, he was exhausted mentally and physically. Tadrel ended that day by weeping to himself in his empty home, feeling completely useless as he couldn't even start his journey in his father's footsteps. Tadrel made his way to his bed not wanting to hear anything from anyone anytime soon. As he laid upon his bed he heard the pitter patter of rain on the roof slowly pick up speed. The rain made it a little easier to fall asleep that night. As Tadrel fell into his slumber, he was jolted awake by the crack of lightning, but strangely he didn't hear the rain anymore. Tadrel was a little confused at first. Deciding to find out what that noise was, he walked to his nearest window and took a peek outside to see if it was still storming. He opened his shutters to see nothing. Not the town. Not even the sky. It was just darkness. Tadrel then curiously made his way to his front door to check if he was just dreaming, when suddenly he heard a low deep gravelly voice speak out to him, “What a shame. Such wasted potential. You know you could've been an excellent fighter, sure to make your father proud. But look at you, broken, disheveled, a complete failure in the eyes of your father. You could've been protecting people just like him, serving for Guidewind just like him, but you failed. You could sulk and cry and weep like you have been, but something tells me you aren't one to give up just yet. I could help you in a way, lend you some of my power, make you the man your father always wanted you to be.” Tadrel finally decided to speak up and ask why, why this voice wanted to help, what this voice wanted from him. The voice replied, “I don’t want much from you. I see potential being wasted, an emotional and unstable man too weak to continue on his journey. That's where I come in. I would lend you some of my power and only ask a couple things of you. Hold no pity for those who suffer and die, for death is the natural end of life, and bring down the proud who try to cast off the chains of fate. As the instrument of my power, you must punish hubris where you find it.” Tadrel thought to himself, not sure what exactly was offering him this power. This entity does not want much from him, Tadrel see’s no negative in accepting this entity's gift, so he does. With that Tadrel’s house fades into darkness and he awakes in his bed. Not sure if what he witnessed was a dream or not he walked into his home that he had destroyed the previous day, only to find it nice and tidy. Almost like nothing had happened the previous day. Nothing out of the ordinary except for a letter on the table with a stamp showing a Dagger with an eye on the hilt. Tadrel opened this letter and began to read, it was an advertisement for Guidewind Headquarters, asking for people to serve their part. Tadrel then gathered all of his belongings and headed off to Guidewind for one final attempt at becoming a knight, one final attempt at making his father proud.