The Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria

The Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria is the governing body of magic in all of Ambria. The Church welcome Mages of all faiths and followings, no matter what God/s they draw their magic from.   The Holy Pantheonic Church offers a place for all those wishing to show their devotion to their patron God/s. The Church offers two paths to power: one follows within the structural hierarchy of the Church; and the other offers resources to increase a Mage’s magical power. Whether you wish to gain rank or power, or both, is up to you. There is no direct correlation between your rank in the Church and your magical ability. You could be a vastly powerful Mage but only a novitiate, or you could be a High Priestess but not a powerful Mage.   The Church recognises Gods from every synergy of the six Divine Aspects: Indulgence, Moderation, Wrath, Patience, Diligence, and Disregard. The six Divine Aspects form 12 synergies into which every God is sorted. Spellcasters, religious scholars and those interested in the history of magic in Ambria are welcome to visit the Church to find out more about these synergies and the Gods that belong within them.  
  The circles represent the Aspects, and the lines the synergies. Each archetype has a foil, to which is cannot be connected.    

Church Ranks

  Church Ranks represent roles within a religious structure wither within the Pantheonic Church, or a House’s own Religion. There are six ranks achievable within the Church, each making Rituals easier to perform.   They are, in order; Follower, Novitiate, Acolyte, Elder, Priest/ess, and High Priest/ess. (It is your choice whether you shall be name Priest or Priestess, and this will be noted in the records.)   To level up your Church Rank, a visitor to Aeos must perform a series of tasks during a single Festival of Blood. Excluding becoming a Follower, you may only level up once per Festival.  

Follower Tasks:

  • Be noted in the Church records under their God/s’ name
  • Have brought a small token or offering to an Aspect alter aligned to their God/s
  • Signed off by either the Prophet or a High Priest/ess

Novitiate Tasks:

  • A small book/pamphlet of >5 prayers or rituals to their God/s
  • Attend the evening cleansing ritual at least twice, OR participate in at least two player-run Rituals
  • Signed off by either the Prophet or a High Priest/ess

Acolyte Tasks:

  • An effigy of their God/s kept on their person
  • >10 prayers or religious ceremonies in their book
  • Attend all evening cleansing rituals, OR participate in at least three player-run Rituals
  • Signed off by their Priest/ess mentor and either the Prophet or a High Priest/ess

Elder Tasks:

  • The sigil of the Church on their clothing
  • >15 prayers or religious ceremonies in their book
  • Attend all evening cleansing rituals, OR participate in at least four player-run Rituals
  • Lead at least two successful Rituals
  • Mentor a Novitiate
  • Signed off by their High Priest/ess mentor and the Prophet


  • Craft an effigy or sacred object of their God/s to be kept in the Church
  • >20 prayers or religious ceremonies in their book
  • Attend all evening cleansing rituals, OR participate in at least five player-run Rituals
  • Lead at least three successful Rituals
  • Mentor an Acolyte
  • Signed off by their High Priest/ess mentor and the Prophet

High Priest/ess

  • Craft a shrine to their God/s to be kept in the Church
  • Attend all evening cleansing rituals, OR participate in at least six player-run Rituals
  • Mentor an Elder
  • Signed off by the Prophet
  There may be only two High Priest/esses of the Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria. However, any other religious order may register one High priest/ess of their own. This position does not need to be voted in by the Church. High Priest/esses of the Church are voted into the position by a circle of Elders and Priest/esses. The candidate for High Priest/ess must fulfil all the above requirements and then sit before the circle and pledge their case. When the circle has questioned the candidate and is satisfied, a vote takes place. A majority vote is a success. If there are already two High Priest/esses in the Church and a new candidate wishes to stand, all three will be subjected to the questioning and vote. Majority and second majority wins.    

Mage Ranks

  Mage Ranks represent a Mages mastery over magic, allowing them to cast spells more frequently. This is over seen at the Church as all magic utlimately flows from the Gods.   There are five ranks achievable as a Mage. They are, in order: Novice Mage, Mage Initiate, True Mage, High Mage, and Archmage.   To level up your Mage Rank, a visitor to Aeos must perform a series of six tasks as requested by the Prophets during a single Festival of Blood. Each of these tasks aligns with one of the six divine Aspects and increases in difficulty the higher Rank you are. The exact requirments of the tasks for a Mage Rank are revealed by the Prophets when one first visits the Church on Aeos.   Note: All Mages who have completed their six tasks will Level Up together during the final Cleansing Ceremony at the Festival of Blood.  

Evening Cleansing Ritual

(Festival events only)
  Spellcasters (Mages and Occultists) are permitted a certain number of spell slots to use per day. In order to replenish these spell slots, Spellcasters must attend an Evening Cleansing Ritual. An Evening Cleansing Ritual will be performed at the Church shortly after the Evening Bell each night at the Fesitval of Blood. This Ritual will start at the Church’s Ritual Circle and then lead in a procession to the Standing Stones around town (each representing one of the Divine Aspects), where prayers will be held. Note: This Ritual is exclusive led by the Prophets and cannot be performed through the normal Ritual mechanic.  


  The Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria is the Mage’s Guild on Aoes Island. There will be opportunities to prove yourself both as a Mage, and as a follower of your patron God/s. There are The Gods that are written into the lore of the Church, but you are more than welcome to bring your own deities to be added to the books.  

The Pantheon


Abbadon, Goddess of Revenge

Aona, Goddess of Justice

Arianna, Goddess of the Harvest

Dadariel, God of the Home

Hakkon, God of Alliances

Ielia, Goddess of Celebration

Ikarra, Goddess of Blood

Kibbeth, Goddess of Illusions

Lanas, God of Nature

Morael, Goddess of Knowledge

Saraneth, God of Wealth

Urnazza, Goddess of Monsters and Outcasts

Xolous, God of War


Register a Religion

There are many religious orders across Ambria, as varied and innumerable as the Gods themselves. Houses, or separate religious orders, may dedicate themselves to one or several of the Gods followed by the Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria, or ones specific to them.   Every religion must be registered with the Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria. If a House or religious order wishes to register their religion, they must attend a Festival of Blood (aka Exodus CoG event) and satisfy a number of requirements, as follows:  

1. A name, ie. “The True Faith” or “The Order of Knowledge”

2. A symbol or icon

3. An official doctrine to be lodged with the Church, including what God/s are followed

4. A minimum of 3 followers, noted down

5. A Ritual of Service must be performed with said followers.

  • Note: Step 5 must be repeated every festival event, or once per year
Once all these requirements have been completed, your religion will be recognised with the Holy Pantheonic Church of Ambria.


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