Seesa Head Character in Amastris | World Anvil
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Seesa Head

Seesa Head

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Seesa was born 24 years ago in the Pax Nevarrum. Her mother, Plana, was a gnome and a researcher at an arcane university. Her father, Gazea, was an orc from city of Cangithe off the coast – he was blessed with the gift of fortunetelling. Her parents met while Plana was in the City of Cangithe at the request of a local noble. She was there to search out Orcs gifted in fortunetelling so that he could sponsor their proper education in exchange for services once they had been fully trained. Plana met Gazea and fell in love.   Seesa got her mothers gift for magic and her fathers gift for fortunetelling, and mostly took after her father physically. She also had a brother, Hitha. She grew up at the university and had a knack for academia, excelling in her courses. Her best subjects were astronomy and astrology, the movements of the celestial bodies just seemed to call to her. She had recently graduated with high marks when she heard of the expedition to the Lost Kingdom and she immediately applied – she had heard legends of an ancient city where they had significantly greater understanding of the stars and if it was going to be found, she wanted it to be her that found it. She was accepted to the expedition, packed up her things, said goodbye to her parents and brother, and set of on her adventure   Original Text by Cody

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. (Any) I'm used to helping out those who aren't as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.


Religious Views

Seesa is faithful to The Morrigana but doesn't speak openly about it. She acknowledges the secrets the her Goddess likes to keep but she sees those secrets as a challenge to overcome.

Hobbies & Pets

She is oft to summon her beloved familiar "Archimedes" which she uses as a scout, lookout and deliverer of her more offensive spells. She takes great pride in the blue waistcoat she knit for him. 
Current Location
6' 2"
Aligned Organization

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