Orcs and Half-Orcs Species in Amastris | World Anvil
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Orcs and Half-Orcs

The orcs and half-orcs are one of the most polarizing races on the continent. A race which has been long suffering, they have unfairly been the target of prejudice and hate for hundreds of years. Now they stand on a new precipice. Some have risen high, becoming great scholars and astronomers, while others have taken their rage and hammered it into a fine blade. Others still have given into the rage, becoming a fearsome force if provoked.

Basic Information


Half-orcs, like most sapients, follow the humanoid framework. However, they are among the physically strongest and toughest of the races. Dense muscles and bone make them incredibly tough to bring down. They also notably have the pointed ears of the elves, leading some scholars to theorize that there may have been some distant relations between the two species; a theory which both vehemently deny.

Genetics and Reproduction

They have a relatively quick gestation period of six months, producing a single offspring. However, twins, or even triplets, are not uncommon. Orcs and half-orcs are similar to humans in that they are capable cross-breeders and can carry children of other sapients to term. Though, oddly, these children are almost always orcs or half-orcs which don't take on the physical characteristics of other races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Children grow at a similar rate to most other sapients. However, they do achieve adolescence and adulthood earlier. On average, sexual maturity is attained at twelve years of age and most orcs are considered fully functioning adults by fifteen years. As the orcs ages, their skin goes from a bright green or dark beige to a misty grey by their elder years. Orcs and half-orcs never lose their physical strength and fortitude as they age, but skin tone is the surest way of determining if the orc is in its waning years.

Ecology and Habitats

Thanks to their hardy constitution, orcs and half-orcs are capable of surviving in most environments comfortably. The largest concentrated populations reside in the Carcerum Islands, on the northwest coast of the Pax Nevarra. There are also numerous nomadic tribes in the Great Grass Sea as well.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The orcs and half-orcs have a more protein and meat-based diet than that of other races. While not hypercarnivores, their average meal is around 50 to 60% meat. Some of the more integrated or "civilized" orcs will find protein through other means but, to the vast majority, a vegetarian orc is an oxymoron.   Orcs are also well renowned and respected chefs and culinary artists. Nobles from around the world will seek out orcish chefs, brewers, and sommeliers to attend their estates. Orc chefs are worth their weight in gold and salt. Orcish cuisine is hearty with different proteins incorporated into stews, sauces, and jambalayas.  

by Artist unknown

Additional Information

Social Structure

by u/thisislisahall
On average, most orcish communities have fairly matriarchal societies. The "Bunica", as they are referred to, are highly respected and while their word or judgement isn't law per say, it certainly stymies further debate. In the more militaristic clans, orcs do have more males in leadership roles, often acting as warlords or family heads.

Facial characteristics

Orcs and half-orcs are easily distinguishable by their thick brow and large underbite. This underbite is often accentuated with their proudly displayed tusk-like teeth. Orcs often find these large teeth to be an attractive physical trait.

Average Intelligence

No less intelligent than the average sapient.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The orcus homo, accustomed to their star-watching and nocturnal habits, are capable of seeing perfectly well in darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The orcs are citizens of the Pax Nevarrum and are active participants in most of its subsidiary organizations. They are regularly legionnaires and non-commissioned officers in the military, though few become officers. The Cangithe orcs often find employment in the scholarly institutions of the Pax.

Beauty Ideals

Orcs and half-orcs with larger or more predominant tusks are considered more attractive by orc standards. Height and muscle mass are also viewed admirably.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

All orcs and half-orcs have a certain attachment to the stars and constellations of the night sky. Knowledge of the stars is taught at a young age and ignorance of the stars is mildly insulting to them. Many traditional practices and norms relate to star divination, and the orcs believe the gods themselves descended from the stars to give their knowledge to the peoples of the world, before ascending once more.


The history of the orcs is a tale of war, colonization, and endurance.   Before the time of the collapse of the Lost Kingdom and the ravaging of the Blight, the north of Amastris and Nevarra were the domain of the orcs. They were primitive, making war upon each other and painting the stars on stone obelisks. When the races of Dwarf and Human began to migrate north, war was inevitable.   Despite the orcs having superior individual strength, they lacked the numbers or coordination to pose a lasting resistance. The humans and dwarves were organized, numerically superior, and desperate. That said, war was slow and systematic. The dwarves and humans would gain ground, hold it for a few decades, then push again. After the course of 80 years, nearly the entire northwestern portion of the continent was captured. This war of genocide is known to the Orcs as the Nightfall War; the war which nearly snuffed out the light of their people. The humans and dwarves had also launched a hugely successful propaganda campaign also made it clear to the world that the orcs were bestial savages. Hundreds of years later, this stereotype still exists in many minds.   The orcs themselves followed two paths. One group fled into the vast and unknown expanses of the Great Grass Sea, becoming nomads and warlords, while the other group fled to the Carcarem Islands off the coast of the continent. For a few centuries, they survived in isolation on their prison-like islands. However, that all changed when the Pax Nevarra attacked.   By 232 Talon, the Pax Nevarra were newly unified and eager to make a demonstration of strength. It was decided that they were to point their legions towards the orc islands. The campaign was short but brutal, ending in only ten years. Thousands of orcs were subjugated, enslaved, and sent to distant corners of the Pax. They languished for decades after.   Over the last few generations, things have improved somewhat. The orcs were given the liberatus status and were allowed to be semi-autonomous on their island homes. Now they are a protectorate of the Pax, equal, but distinct from the mainland. The orcs of Cangithe have become accomplished scholars and academics, while on Brames, a more martial and dwarven-influenced culture emerged. However, there is peace between these two cultures, as they are unified by a shared history of pain and loss.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The orcs and half-orcs are a race with a troubled past in regards to the other races. Due to the wars from hundreds of years ago and their recent emancipation, they have difficulty finding common ground with most.


Orcs have a disgruntled relationship with most humans. In the Pax Nevarra, they are still getting accustomed to being viewed as relative equals and sometimes overcompensate with politeness in order to fit in. The interbreeding of humans and orcs produces half-orcs. There is no discernable animosity between orcs and half-orcs.


The orcs of Brames took a liking to dwarven military culture and, as such, emulated some of their fighting and cultural styles. On their part, dwarves have sent some officers to make sure that the orcs don't insult their traditions. Tensions between the two races are more palpable.


There is a sense of righteous anger against the elves of the Sunset Isle. In the minds of the orcs, the elves sat back and watched as the orcs were enslaved and driven from their homelands. If the elves are so noble and wise, then why would they allow such injustice?


Shockingly, the orcs adore gnomes. They view them as something of an older sibling, believing that they descended from the stars as emissaries of the gods to judge the races. It is auspicious that when gnomes became more common in Nevarra, the orcs were freed from slavery. Orcs often refer to gnomes as "big cousins", among other familial names.

by Artist Unknown

Scientific Name
Elvhen Orcus
50-60 years
Conservation Status
Near Threatened
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Physically, they are the mightest sapient race.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
In their youth and primacy they are bright green, dark beige, or almost pure black. At a later age, their skin tone will begin to gray out.
Geographic Distribution

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