Hakkon's Fang Organization in Amastris | World Anvil
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Hakkon's Fang

A legendary pirate crew which became infamous in the northern seas. The crew is ruthless, pious, and loyal to few but themselves.


This crew of ruthless and rowdy Vikeengrier are considered unruly by most outsiders. Typically, the only orders ever heard are "Charge!", "Kill them all!" and "Gather the loot!". However, the structure of the crew runs deeper than that. All crew members are fiercely loyal to the Captain of Hakkon's Fang, as he provides the ship and the opportunity for plunder and speaks when violence isn't needed. Second to him is the first mate, or the nifel, who will often set courses, set the routine and dole out punishments.   But below them, all are equals. Everyone shares duties, tasks, and plunders fairly. Crew will rotate tasks of cleaning, rowing, helming, raiding, and equipment maintenance.

Public Agenda

The Hakkon's Fang have never been subtle over what it desires for its crew—the chance at battle, loot, and glory to Hakkon Wintersbreath. The ship has always maintained an affiliation with the Radiant Empire but has never directly acted under the empire's command.


In the year 286 Talon, tensions began to rise again between The Radiant Empire and Kingdom of Thera over the island chain of The Crowns . The islands had recently discovered deposits of platinum and a race of colonization begun between the two powers. What these powers did not take into consideration was the naval strength of the local inhabitants who, until recently, were content to squabble amongst themselves.   Numerous fleets were set upon the isles and they were beaten back many times over. This was largely credited more to the invaders lack of naval experience than to the skill of locals, but few could deny the ferocity in which they fought. This led the Radians and Therans to the realization that, rather than spend resources and lives on the untamed land and seas, they could have the locals fight as proxies. In exchange for raiding enemy frontiers and resources, the powers would allow these new privateers to retain spoils and even be paid for their efforts—a small price for control of the northern seas.   In 290 a Vikeengrier named Bewolf, Son of Sig, commissioned a new ship, Hakkon's Fang. Bewolf was a pious man of the War Bear-God Hakkon Wintersbreath. He raised a crew and pledged allegiance to the Radiant Empire. This was considered odd considering the empire rarely acknowledged any deity other than their precious sun god Pelor. But the imperial representatives accepted, provided funds, and accepted Bewolf's strange pagan oaths.   In 295 Talon, the ship and crew of Hakkon's Fang was gathering a reputation for being a particularly bloodthirsty and dangerous crew. The only survivors of the raids were those who successfully hid, fled, or were away at the time. The raiding campaign that year was particularly vicious, with many in Thera convinced that the crew were not mortals, but rather, demonic spirits raised by some vengeful forgotten aspect of Hakkon himself.   By 300 Glory, Bewolf had amassed a small fleet of four ships and was a respected Vikeengrier in the Radiant Empire. However, the cold claws of the sea reached him during a bold raid, deep in Theran territory. His fate was met at the "Raid at Mujun", the largest city the crew had attacked yet. Legend claims he used his war axe to singlehandedly break the stone wall of a castle and led the breech before being struck down by a Theran commander. The raiders were forced to retreat. Shamed and without their commander, it would have been expected for the fleet to disperse, but the charismatic first mate, Throki Raven-Eye, was able to hold the crew together and re-swore his oath of loyalty to the Radiant Empire.   303 Glory— Throki had spent the intermittent years mostly in port in Bruford, repairing the Hakkon's Fang and licking their wounds. The Hakkon's Fang also spent time recruiting and training crew members. They kept a low profile, only raiding within the Crowns.

Cold Waters Warmed with Blood

The legendary longship Hakkon's Fang

290 Talon - 310 Glory

Illicit, Pirate Crew
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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