PM1 pt.18} Double tap her in Amalgama | World Anvil

PM1 pt.18} Double tap her

boundingBull played by Snake, crypticPerjurer played by Marcy, chaoticallyCrafted played by Jiro, frenziedButcher played by Leng, macabreSerenade played by Deku
BB: it wasnt a f"o"x.
CP: what was it exactly
CC: yes, what was it? i am quite worried.
BB: uh. this little... thing? it has wings lemme get a picture "o"f it
BB: its... creeepy
CP: Owl
CP: Harmless unless you try and mess with it
CC: Yes. CP is right. Don't interact with it and you should be fine.
BB: aaa its attacking me with its h"o"rrible claws!!! maybe it was because i turned "o"n flash "o"r s"o"mething
CC: That is not ideal. Are you able to get away from it?
frenziedButcher [FB] has started responding to memo.
BB: i slapped it and it flew away s"o" i guess im fine
BB: hi fb! i'm trapped in the f"o"rest and being hunted by highbl"o""o"ds, th"o"ugh im n"o"t sure if theyre still after me
CP: I hope you can get out of there BB
CC: As do i.
FB: Ah yes, you seem to have addressed me for some reason. Is this some sort of idiotic roleplay or are you actually in real palpable viscous danger, you simple annoying child? And, if you are in danger perhaps you could be so kind as to film it? For posterity, of course of course.
CP: As my brother would say.
CP: "FB, you are wack."
BB: well seeing as im in a bag right n"o"w i cant d"o" that, haha
CC: A bag?
BB: yes a bag.
FB: I do so enjoy things being wacked, hacked, slashed, and ripped, so I suppose I will take that as a complement, as I'm sure its far beyond you to utter anything truly intelligible.
FB: Ah, you kind of your bungling captors to leave you a communication device so that we may hear of their meager exploits. Do please go on, I'm quite invested by now.
BB: "o"k y"o"ure making it s"o"und fake. why?
CP: Oh, I can converse quite elegantly if I'd felt like it. I've just been utterly exhausted as of late, so excuse me for using street slang in this conversation with you.
BB: cp y"o"u believe me right
CP: Actually yes, I do,
BB: "o"k she has put me in a pris"o"n "o"f s"o"me s"o"rts. as f"o"r why i have n"o" idea, th"o"ugh i kn"o"w it's a girl and they're an "o"livebl"o""o"d.
FB: I will excuse nothing, but I will tolerate it as I find it highly amusing. And I do so hope that what you are experiencing is true and factual, it is much more interesting that way. Perhaps they will sell you to a rainbow drinker? Oh please I beg you film that, I have always wanted to see one feed.
BB: im scared "o"f y"o"u n"o"w!
FB: Of me? What ever for? I'm far away from you! I do believe there is an Olive Girl who you should be much more frightened of at this moment. Am I Wrong? No, of course not, I'm never wrong.
CP: Okay I'm curious on how rainbow drinkers feed as well but I do hope that you don't get culled or bled dry.
CP: Like, how do they suck blood from their victims? That is a very interesting question.
CP: I think it is at least.
BB: i think i caught a glimpse "o"f her symb"o"l
FB: Yes it is fascinating! Alluring! Beguiling even! Oh if I could get my hands on one to see how they work I would be ever so delighted! It excites me jsut pondering such magnificence. Though what truely draws me is how they are said to be undying, can you imagine? I can I can! Glorious!
CP: Exactly, my mind is running with all of the possibilities! It must be an extremely grand sight! But yes, I am also extremely interested in the ways of their undeath. I would love to converse with one, just to ask it how it does all these acts.
CP: Also... I don't think I know that symbol BB
CP: You have a knife on you?
BB: n"o", i havent all"o"cated yet
FB: I don't want to ruin this suspenseful show with my ramblings, but if you would so kind as to allow me to add you to my Chumroll list then I will perhaps have more talk about my studies into undeath at a later date?
frenziedButcher [FB] has added crypticPerjurer [CP] To their Chumroll
BB: i have a very bad idea but it might w"o"rk, "o"k?
CP: That sounds absolutely wonderful. I can't wait FB.
CP: Also whats the idea BB?
BB: "o"h f"o"r future reference, i c"o"uld add y"o"u if i meet a rainb"o"w drinker fb, just in case
BB: "o"k im g"o"nna use my teeth t"o" break "o"ff a bar and all"o"cate my strife specibus t"o" barkind
CP: Its somekind of a plan
CP: Good luck!
BB: well im bleeding and i l"o"st a t"o""o"th, but it w"o"rked!
CP: Like are you away from the olive blood?
BB: i might have kn"o"cked her "o"ut
CP: Double tap her
CP: Ahem, hit her again
FB: Nonono you must tell us what you did, you fool, do you not know how narration works? This is detestable. You should be ashamed of yourself! I'm ashamed of you.
BB: "o"k "o"k jeez! "o"k s"o" i snuck "o"ut "o"f the pris"o"n thing and she s"o"rta just came "o"ver???? and then i hit her in the head with the metal pipe :)
FB: Aaahahahaa yesyes she deserved it the deranged imbecile! Who just allows a prisoner the means of escape without a plan? Only do so if you want them to escape. A shame though to let such things go to waste, I am displeased with you. Don't leave her there, bring her along! Quickly now! Before she awakes!
macabreSerenade [MS] has started responding to the memo.
MS: Hello again.
BB: "o"k ive picked her up. i'm g"o"nna g"o" back h"o"me n"o"w pine is pr"o"bably g"o"ing crazy!!!
MS: I see I have intruded on a conversation, neglecting to read the context. How rude of me.
CP: Hello MS. I think we have interected before. But I'm not exactly sure.
CC: ellohay, MS.
BB: "o"h. hi ms. ms, meet fb. fb, meet ms. she th"o"ught i died and brushed it "o"ff
MS: How do you know I am a woman?
BB: uh
BB: s"o"rry...
MS: Are you perhaps spying on me?
BB: what? im in the f"o"rest, carrying an "o"livebl"o""o"d. i g"o"t caught
MS: Caught doing what exactly?
BB: adventuring int"o" a f"o"rest
MS: Ah. Are you not supposed to do that?
BB: n"o" im all"o"wed t"o", i guess i was hunted
MS: Ah. And how did this oliveblood get unconscious/dead?
BB: i hit her in the head with a metal bar after she caught me :)
MS: I... See.
MS: Why?
BB: fb thinks she was g"o"ing t"o" sell me t"o" a rainb"o"w drinker
MS: I am not particularly versed in that area of illegal trade. I have been a victim of it a few times, as a child.
MS: They thought that my alley was their alley. I promptly showed them out, though.
BB: "o"h.
BB: my h"o"use!!!!
MS: Hm?
BB: i f"o"und my h"o"use!! pines g"o"nna be s"o" happy
BB: "o"h she w"o"ke up
FB: Oh yes perfect timing. Perhaps your lusus will consume her? Perhaps hers has followed you and will devour your pathetic flesh!? Ah lussi, how I despise them, utterly useless creatures always getting in the way of anything worthwhile. Only one that has any value to its existence, and I only say this out of curtesy and not because I actually believe it.
MS: Oh, greetings, FB. You seem very cynical.
BB: pines n"o"t g"o"nna eat her, he's just a little w"o"rried ab"o"ut me. she's a little dazed right n"o"w, maybe i can let her talk t"o" y"o"u guys
FB: Ah yes, good, excellent, do that if you would. There aren't enough utterly foolish idiots in the chat, and I would so love to know how she managed to bungle such a simple hunt when she had already won. The seer idiocy of it will likely melt a bit of our collective intelligence. What is pain if one can't share it with friends, am I quite right? Of course I am, as always!! Greetings to you as well, are you perhaps here for a show or do simply enjoy stating your observations on people you meet? By all means continue! Observations are the core of science! Progress! Entertainment!"
MS: Frankly, I'm here to waste time. I'm waiting for the end of the week to come, you see.
BB: ^..Hello?^
MS: Hello to you too.
BB: ^What the hell? Where's my lusus? I'm so confused^
MS: It seems you're in quite the precarious situation.
MS: Am I correct to say you didn't have the purest intentions yourself?
FB: I am quite curious, overly so, perhaps even extraordinary so, as to how you've been convinced to type out your feelings for us in this chat by the creature who has smashed your head in, if ever so slightly. Perhaps text to speech is being utilized? Perhaps you are easily manipulated in your weakened state? Well do go on! What is it now? Don't keep me waiting, that is exceedingly rude of you, you know.
MS: Quite high energy indeed...
FB: I had considered indulging in an extravagant text to speech program, but, alas, it is much to loud here for that to be of any practical, or impractical even, use. Perhaps instead I could persuade a few of you to come join me instead. In person communication is always preferable, if you ask me. You didn't but you really should have. At any rate, if I can't communicate without the use of my hands then it is time for me to say farewell. These pathetic mewling namby-pamby featherweights can't sew themselves back together, unfortunately, so I must get back to work. Thank you for the entertaining jaunt through the woods.
FB: Good luck on all your pointless endeavors, you meaningless piles of slowly aging bones. I do hope you have an ever increasingly entertaining evening. And if you don't I can tell you were to find such a thing. The Vandals Carnival, of course! You really should go visit, its quite the show!
frenziedButcher [FB] has ceased responding to memo.
MS: The Vandals Carnival. Hmm. Intriguing, I'll have to ask around about it.
MS: I can't go, though. Sadly.
MS: Promises are so hard to keep nowadays.


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