irrefutableBastard + prismaticAugur in Amalgama | World Anvil

irrefutableBastard + prismaticAugur

irrefutableBastard played by Kiwi, prismaticAugur played by Link
irrefutableBastard [IB] has begun trolling prismaticAugur [PA]

IB: Interesting of you to make such bold assumptions of my life experience
IB: I suggest you not go down this path as it is a very treacherous one
PA: Eye treye not to m✯ke ✯ssumptions
PA: Eye would call them hypotheses founded on evidential f✯ct
IB: why does my happiness concern you so anyway
PA: Bec✯use eye emp✯theyese with your plight
IB: how it sure sounds like you enjoy life?
PA: Eye do
PA: But eye ✯lso know how it feels to be lost
PA: To be ✯n outc✯st not longed for this world
IB: I am not lost
PA: You ✯re
IB: an outcast sure but I am not lost do not for a second think I do not know what I want from this place
PA: Those who spend their whole leyeves in ✯ m✯ze m✯y never re✯leyese what leyes beyond their l✯byrinthine tomb
PA: You do not know wh✯t you w✯nt, you merely think you do
IB: bold are you
PA: It is import✯nt to excerceyese a he✯lthy ✯mount of skepticism when tre✯ding on such deleterious concepts
PA: We ✯re both mut✯nts, yes
IB: yes
PA: We ✯re b✯rely ✯live in the eyes of those ✯bove us, which is to s✯y everyone
PA: Which is ex✯ctly wheye we must sheyene
IB: My entrancement with death has nothing to do with my blood color
PA: How do you know th✯t
PA: We ✯re ✯berrations, mut✯nts
PA: Our blood is the wrong colour, our meyends m✯y suffer ✯s well
IB: so what do you intend to do to "fix me"
PA: Eye w✯nt you to feel ✯leyeve, if even just once
PA: To let you t✯ste that nect✯r before it is stripped from you for good
IB: I don't think that is a good idea
PA: Wheye is th✯t
IB: I'd prefer not to get into it, but my happiness could cause others pain so I prefer to not explore that
PA: So you underst✯nd th✯t p✯in is ✯ detriment to those who feel it
PA: Then why subject yourself to it so vehemently
IB: I don't feel it the same way others do
IB: in fact I wouldn't say I feel it
PA: ✯nd yet, you still suffer
PA: Will you give me the ch✯nce to show you the leyeght
IB: I assure you I don't suffer, but I suppose I will let you attempt to let you show me the "light"
PA: Wh✯t is your n✯me
IB: Zenith what is yours
PA: Th✯nk you, zenith
PA: Eye ✯m reyel✯m
PA: Ryelam, if eye do not use my quirk
IB: Zenith if i don't use mine
PA: Eye find it very unn✯tur✯l to spe✯k without my quirk so lets never do th✯t ✯g✯in
PA: He he
IB: I don't like my text without it
IB: it just isn't me
IB: I feel like yours reflects your personality as well
PA: Eye leyeke to think so
PA: ✯lthough eye someteyemes struggle to convey emotion with it
PA: P✯r for the course eye suppose
IB: Text isn't a great way to convey emotion considering its just words on a screen
PA: ✯greed, eye ✯m much better ✯t communic✯tion in person
PA: Technology in gener✯l is not my strong suit
IB: I suppose I don't struggle with it that much, I don't usually use it though
PA: Eye h✯ve only recently st✯rted using the internet so eye still h✯ve much to le✯rn
IB: it's an interesting place to say the least
IB: is there a reason you suddenly decided to use it?
PA: Eye felt lonely eye guess
PA: ✯pproaching new people in person is difficult when you look leyeke me
PA: The ✯nonymity provided by online ch✯trooms seemed like ✯ strong ✯ltern✯tive
IB: I'm assuming due to your mutation you look a bit odd?
PA: Yes, eye ✯m ✯ fre✯k
PA: People tend to ✯void me due to the stigm✯ surrounding our c✯ste
PA: M✯ybe they ✯re ✯fr✯id of me, eye dont know
PA: But eye do not wish to h✯rm ✯nyone
IB: Freak is a stupid word, but yes I see where you're coming from. I look the same as most trolls so I never had to deal with the struggles you face.
IB: I also do not wish to communicate with most others so even if I did look different I wouldn't really mind.
PA: Eye would feel incomplete if eye did not use my gift for good, so eye must seek out others to spe✯k to
IB: gift?
PA: Eye speci✯leyes in emp✯thy
PA: Eye c✯n underst✯nd emotions and help people digest their p✯in
PA: ✯nd c✯n see emotions with the eyes on my h✯nds
IB: well lucky you you get to deal with idiots
IB: I hope you can see the obvious sarcasm I am trying to use
PA: Eye did not recogneyes this s✯rc✯sm, th✯nk you for pointing it out
PA: Eye do not meyend ✯ssisting the unintelligent, they ✯re people too
IB: Yes but it doesn't sound enjoyable to have to deal with others ridiculous problems
PA: On p✯per, perh✯ps not
PA: But eye find my me✯ning in bringing others closure
IB: well at least you like it I guess
PA: Do you h✯ve ✯nything you enjoy doing
IB: not really, I suppose I find amusement trying to get myself killed but other than that I don't do much
PA: M✯ybe we can feyend you ✯ less deleterious hobby
BI: maybe but I doubt it
PA: Youre free to c✯st doubt but eye re✯lly feel leyeke this is the reyeght eyede✯
IB: any ideas?
PA: Perh✯ps you would be better off expressing yourself through ✯rt or music
IB: eh those things bore me
PA: H✯ve you ever ✯ctually ✯ttempted them
IB: no
PA: Giving them a shot would not hurt
PA: Unless you end up h✯ting them
PA: Then it would hurt, but th✯t is okay bec✯use you enjoy th✯t sort of thing
IB: ha well, I suppose I could give something like that a shot then
PA: Th✯nk you
IB: You are welcome I guess
PA: Well zenith, eye must reteyere from the computer for now, but meye preyev✯te mess✯ges ✯re ✯lw✯ys open to you
IB: alright then I'll keep that in mind goodbye Ryelam
PA: Until next teyeme
PA: ✯w✯
irrefutableBastard [IB] has ceased trolling prismaticAugur [PA]

irrefutableBastard [IB] has begun trolling prismaticAugur [PA]
IB: 廾ᥱllꙨ ᖇჸᥱlαm˒ ꚕꙨᐜ αŕᥱ ჸꙨuɁ
PA: Heye zenith ✯w✯
PA: Eye ✯m doing queyete well th✯nks for ✯sking
PA: Just finishing up ✯ coat hehe
PA: How ✯re you doing this ✯fternoon
IB: ⵠ CꙨαᵗ αʂ ﺃՌ α cꙨαᵗ Ꙩ⨍ ϼαﺃՌᵗɁ
IB: ⵠՌḋ │ αm ՌꙨᵗ ⨍ᥱᥱlﺃՌᶢ αՌჸᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ ᐜꚕﺃcꚕ ﺃʂ ᵗꚕᥱ ʂαmᥱ αʂ uʂuαl
IB: ʂꙨ ᶢꙨꙨḋ │ ʂuϼϼꙨʂᥱɁ
PA: No no eye me✯n ✯ co✯t ✯s in ✯ j✯cket hehe
PA: ✯nd no th✯t is not p✯rticul✯rly good but its ✯rgu✯bly better th✯n suffering eye suppose
IB: ⵠꚕ ᐜᥱՌՌ cꙨՌᶢŕαᵗʂ ꙨՌ ჸꙨuŕ cꙨαᵗ │ ʂuϼϼꙨʂᥱ
PA: Eye do not need congr✯tul✯tion but eye ✯ppreci✯te it nonetheless
PA: This j✯cket in p✯rticul✯r is ✯ commission
PA: But eye would be h✯ppy to m✯ke one for you free of ch✯rge if youd leyeke
IB: │ ⨍ᥱᥱl lﺃǩᥱ ᵗꚕᥱŕᥱ‵ʂ ʂꙨmᥱᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ Ռᥱᐜ ᵗꙨ lᥱαŕՌ αꙎꙨuᵗ ჸꙨu ᥱݍᥱŕჸ ᵗﺃmᥱ ᐜᥱ ʂϼᥱαǩ
IB: ჸꙨu jʂuᵗ ꚕαݍᥱ ᵗꙨ mαՌჸ ḋﺃ⨍⨍ᥱŕᥱՌᵗ ᵗαlᥱՌᵗʂ αՌḋ ﺃՌᵗᥱŕᥱʂᵗʂ
IB: │ ᐜꙨulḋՌ‵ᵗ ᐜαՌᵗ ᵗꙨ ϼuᵗ ჸꙨu Ꙩuᵗ ᐜﺃᵗꚕ ᵗꚕᥱ jαcǩᥱᵗ ᵗꚕꙨuᶢꚕ ʂꙨ │‵ll ꚕαݍᥱ ᵗꙨ ᵗuŕՌ ჸꙨu ḋꙨᐜՌ
PA: Hehe eye suppose eye h✯ve ✯ couple
PA: But re✯lly eye just do wh✯t eye leyeke doing
PA: Proveyeding others with ✯ me✯ns to express themselves brings me joy
PA: My offer will rem✯in open should you wish for custom ✯ttire ✯t ✯ny point
PA: M✯ybe ✯ neyece frilly h✯t hehe
IB: ჸᥱʂ˒ ᐜᥱll │ ǩՌꙨᐜ ʂᥱl⨍ ᥱẌϼŕᥱʂʂﺃꙨՌ ﺃʂ ჸꙨuŕ ᐜꚕꙨlᥱ ᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ
IB: Тŕuʂᵗ mᥱ │ cαՌ ᵗᥱll ;ϼ
IB: ⵠՌḋ │‵m ʂuŕᥱ αՌჸ ꚕαᵗ ჸꙨu mαǩᥱ ᐜﺃll Ꙏᥱ lꙨݍᥱlჸ Ꙏuᵗ ﺃᵗ ᐜﺃll ʂᵗαჸ αᐜαჸ ⨍ŕꙨm mჸ ꚕᥱαḋ
IB: (│⨍ ჸꙨu cꙨulḋՌ‵ᵗ ᵗᥱll │ ᐜαʂ uʂﺃՌᶢ α ʂmﺃlᥱჸ ⨍αcᥱ ⨍Ꙩŕ "ᥱẌϼŕᥱʂʂݍﺃᥱ ϼuŕϼꙨʂᥱʂ" lﺃǩᥱ ჸꙨu ᵗꙨlḋ mᥱ ᵗꙨ)
PA: Oh eye h✯ve ✯n eyede✯
PA: How ✯bout
PA: P✯use for dr✯m✯tic effect
PA: ✯ codpiece
IB: ᖇჸᥱlαm ՌꙨ
IB: Тꚕαᵗ ᐜꙨulḋ Ꙏᥱ ꚕꙨŕŕᥱՌḋꙨuʂ
PA: Hehe yes you ✯re ✯bsolutely correct
PA: Th✯t w✯s me✯nt to be ✯ joke but eye didnt specifeye sorry
PA: Codpieces ✯re horribly unf✯shion✯ble to be queyete honest with you
PA: It h✯rdly even qu✯lifeyes ✯s self expression unless your person✯lity revolves ✯round your bulge
PA: But yes eye must further work on my humour eye still h✯ve much to le✯rn
IB: 廾αꚕαꚕα ՌꙨ ՌꙨ ᖇჸᥱlαm ḋꙨՌ‵ᵗ ᐜꙨŕŕჸ │ ᶢꙨᵗ ᵗꚕαᵗ ﺃᵗ ᐜαʂ α jꙨǩᥱ
IB: │‵ll αꚕݍᥱ ᵗꙨ Ꙏᥱ mꙨŕᥱ ʂϼᥱcﺃ⨍ﺃc ᐜꚕᥱՌ │ uՌḋᥱŕʂᵗαՌḋ ჸꙨuŕ jꙨǩᥱʂ │ ᶢuᥱʂʂ
IB: ᗺuᵗ ჸᥱʂ cꙨḋϼᥱﺃݍᥱʂ αŕᥱ ᵗꚕᥱ ᐜꙨŕʂᵗ
PA: So ✯nyw✯y t✯lks of crotch b✯sed ✯dornments ✯seyede wh✯t h✯ve you been up to ✯s of l✯te
PA: H✯ve you been p✯inting ✯t ✯ll
IB: │ ŕᥱᶢŕᥱᵗ ᵗꙨ ʂαჸ ՌꙨ.
IB: │ ꚕαݍᥱՌ‵ᵗ ꙎᥱᥱՌ ḋꙨﺃՌᶢ mucꚕ Ꙩ⨍ αՌჸᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ lαᵗᥱlჸ ᵗꙨ Ꙏᥱ ϼᥱŕ⨍ᥱcᵗlჸ ꚕꙨՌᥱʂᵗ ᐜﺃᵗꚕ ჸꙨu
IB: Ԝꚕﺃlᥱ ﺃ ǩՌꙨᐜ ჸꙨu αŕᥱ ϼŕꙨꙎαꙎlჸ ḋﺃʂαϼϼꙨﺃՌᵗᥱḋ │ cαՌ‵ᵗ ʂαჸ │‵m ʂuŕϼŕﺃʂᥱḋ αᵗ mჸʂᥱl⨍
IB: 0lḋ ꚕαꙎﺃᵗʂ ḋﺃᥱ ꚕαŕḋ αʂ ᵗꚕᥱჸ ʂαჸ αՌḋ mჸ ϼαŕᵗﺃculαŕ ꚕαꙎﺃᵗ ᵗᥱՌḋʂ ᵗꙨ Ꙏᥱ ʂlᥱᥱϼﺃՌᶢ ᵗꙨꙨ mucꚕ.
PA: Zenith
PA: Eye thought you s✯id you would treye
IB: │ αm ᵗŕჸﺃՌᶢ ᖇჸᥱlαm˒ αʂ Ꙩ⨍ lαᵗᥱ │ αm juʂᵗ mꙨŕᥱ ᵗﺃŕᥱḋ ᵗꚕαՌ uʂuαl.
IB: │ᵗ ﺃʂ ՌꙨᵗ ᥱαʂჸ ⨍Ꙩŕ mᥱ ᵗꙨ ḋꙨ ᵗꚕﺃՌᶢʂ ᥱʂϼᥱcﺃαllჸ ᐜꚕᥱՌ │ ⨍ᥱᥱl ՌꙨ ᥱՌjꙨჸmᥱՌᵗ Ꙏᥱcαuʂᥱ Ꙩ⨍ ᵗꚕᥱm.
PA: Enjoyment should not be immedi✯te reg✯rdless
PA: Just ✯s brewing te✯ is not ✯s enjoy✯ble ✯s drinking it
PA: You need to do these things now to sew the seeds of h✯ppiness
PA: Otherweyese nothing c✯n sprout
PA: Nothing c✯n blossom
IB: Yᥱʂ ჸᥱʂ │ ǩՌꙨᐜ ᵗꚕαᵗ.
IB: YꙨu‵ݍᥱ ᵗꙨlḋ mᥱ ᵗꚕﺃʂ ᥱՌꙨuᶢꚕ │ ʂᥱᥱ ﺃᵗ ᥱݍᥱŕჸ ᵗﺃmᥱ │ clꙨʂᥱ mჸ ᥱჸᥱʂ
IB: │ ᐜﺃll ḋꙨ ʂꙨmᥱᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ ᵗꙨḋαჸ αlﺃᶢꚕᵗɁ
IB: │ ḋꙨՌ‵ᵗ ŕᥱαllჸ ᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ ϼαﺃՌᵗﺃՌᶢ ﺃʂ ⨍Ꙩŕ mᵗ ᵗꚕꙨuᶢꚕ.
PA: You dont think ✯nything is for you though
PA: Eye just w✯nt you to treye
PA: Even if it is not p✯inting just ple✯se treye something
IB: │ ᶢuᥱʂʂ │‵ll jʂuᵗ ϼαﺃՌᵗ ʂꙨmᥱᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ
IB: │⨍ ՌꙨᵗꚕﺃՌᶢʂ ᶢꙨﺃՌᶢ ᵗꙨ ᐜꙨŕǩ │ mﺃᶢꚕᵗ αʂ ᐜᥱll jʂuᵗ ḋꙨ ᵗꚕᥱ ᵗꚕﺃՌᶢ │ ʂᵗαŕᵗᥱḋ ᐜﺃᵗꚕ.
IB: ᖇჸᥱlαm. CαՌ │ αʂǩ ჸꙨu α ᒅuᥱʂᵗﺃꙨՌ
PA: Of course
IB: DꙨ ჸꙨu ŕᥱαllჸ ᵗꚕﺃՌǩ │ cαՌ Ꙏᥱ ꚕαϼϼჸɁ
PA: Without question zenith
PA: Everyone c✯n be h✯ppy
IB: FꙨŕ ჸꙨuŕ ʂαǩᥱ˒ │ ꚕꙨϼᥱ ᵗꚕﺃʂ ﺃʂՌ‵ᵗ α lꙨʂᵗ cαuʂᥱ
PA: Dont worry
PA: It isnt ✯w✯
IB: │⨍ ჸꙨu ʂαჸ ʂꙨ
IB: │ ᶢuᥱʂʂ │ ʂꚕꙨulḋ ᶢꙨ ϼαﺃՌᶢuᶢꚕ
PA: Hehe yes eye guess you should
PA: Eye will see you l✯ter zenith
IB: GꙨꙨḋꙎჸᥱ ᖇჸᥱlαm
irrefutableBastard [IB] has ceased trolling prismaticAugur [PA]


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