dioramicSpectacle + guidedOblitiration in Amalgama | World Anvil

dioramicSpectacle + guidedOblitiration

GuidedObliteration played by Kiwi, DioramicSpectacle played by Orange
guidedOblitiration [GO] has begun pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: hey there I told ya I would message youy
DS: I... LIterally just left your hive.
GO: hehehehe lol
GO: I know that
DS: DO you need anything in particular?
GO: I just wanted to chat :)
DS: ALright then. I Would ask what you're up to, but I suspect that I do know. YOu're standing near the door of your hive, pestering me.
GO: nope I'm on the couch actually ;p
DS: ON your couch, then. PEstering me. I'D assumed you would be resting, or drinking more.
GO: no I'm not drinking anymore
GO: I'm just taking a breather relaxin
GO: and now bugging you :)
DS: I Can see that. PRactically hear it, too. DO you really have no one else to talk to, or am I just that interesting?
GO: heh, you are interesting!
GO: I like your style and stuff
GO: it's pronbobly why I walked over to your table in the first place
DS: I'M tempted to ask what you mean by, "my style." ANd how it drove you to the table specifically.
GO: ya know like the way you look and stuffs
GO: also like your glasses are really fucking cool
GO: really like those glasses
DS: YOu may be the first person I've met to say that, in all honesty. ANd... YOu'd be correct. THese glasses are cool.
GO: I mean they are so sick
GO: like dude you've got taste
DS: ... HOw drunk are you, again? NOt to say you're wrong or anything, you just seem off. OR are humans normally like this?
GO: normally like what??
GO: i'm like three or four drinks in
DS: THat tells me nothing. BY seeming off, I just mean you seem to have no real purpose in the conversation, and are just jumping from topic to topic.
GO: oh
GO: I guess I just figured I'd talk about whatever
DS: THat's all well and good, I guess. I Frequently use this palmhusk for just business, though, so I might be unfamiliar with some regular etiquette.
GO: weeeell I guess I can be the random dude
GO: Who isnt here for buisness
DS: SUre, that works. STill on the couch?
GO: mhm
GO: you still outside?
DS: LEgging it home, the sun should be up soon. NOt that it's as killer as it was back home, but not exactly comfortable.
GO: aaahh I seee
DS: BUrns humans a bit faster now, too, I assume. EFfectively just evened it out for all of us.
GO: somthing like that I guess
GO: soooo other than bidness
GO: what kinda stuffs you like to do
DS: BEsides work, you mean? WEll, that depends. THere's always my lusus to watch after, maps to draw, games to play. ALl sorts of things.
GO: You make maps?
DS: YOu've seen the city, it's a stitched-together mess. I'M just around to make some sense of it-- by making maps.
GO: aw dude that is really cool
GO: but yeah the city is a mes
DS:IT's such a mess, you don't even know. SOme buildings are literally just clipping into each other, and have entirely new mazes inside of them.
GO: oh damn
GO: well I guess props to you for being the one to go out and get all that shit down
DS: THe main goal is being able to sell the maps by the end of it, you know. GEt it done before any official ones come out, corner the market, all that.
GO: lol
GO: maybe I'll buy one from you sometime
GO: i mean I live here it would be useful proboblyu
DS: I Have these main city parts all ready, really, it's the outskirts that need more work. ANd I wouldn't mind selling you one.
GO: how much are they?
GO: rent was cheep this month and my sibling payed most of it
DS: COnsidering you just want the surrounding area, I'll charge you 40 caegars.
GO: alright sounds good
GO: still working on thsi money thing but I'm prettu sure thats not bad
DS: YOu're getting a discount, if it helps.
GO: It doesn't lol
GO: It's fine I'm not that concerend
GO: its somthinh I need so whatevers happy to help you out
DS: THat sorts it out. I'Ll have the map next time I see you, then?
GO: hell yeah
GO: ha now you have to see me again
GO: i've tricked you
DS: YOu sure did, buddy.
DS: I'Ve been entangled in your web of tricks.
DS: ROped hopelessly into seeing you again.
GO: heh
GO: sure did
GO: gotta be more careful Owen Harper is a dirty trickster
DS: I'Ll keep that in mind, buddy. GEt some sleep, you humans are diurnal or something.
dioramicSpectacle [DS] has ceased trolling guidedObliteration [GO]!

guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: hey
GO: hey Zyd
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: hey
GO: okay look I get it I am so random guy you met in a bar
GO: I am really interested in that map though like for real!
GO: Like I am not saying it just so you'll come see me
GO: Maps are really cool and you seem like you'd make really really good ones
GO: alright I'll leave you alone just get back to me on the map stuff alright
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: hey hey hyes guess what
GO: I met someone you know
GO: or like know know ya know
GO: Okay he's like this big scary clown dude right and I fucking threw up on him haha whoopie
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: oh oh his names Thresh he's taking me to get some food
GO: you've got a really nice friend Zyd
GO: okay I gotta go throw up again
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO:...........Yikes, sorry about that I was trashed
GO: Thresh is really cool, a bit...overbearing but hey I apreciate that
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: hey hey hey hey hey
GO: dude where are you
GO: come on where are you, Thresh says you aren't answering him either and I am on his couch
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
guidedObliteration [GO] has started pestering dioramicSpectacle [DS]
GO: Zyd
GO: Zyd
GO: Zyd
GO: Zyd
GO: Zyd
GO: Come on please stop ignoring meeeee
GO: Zyd were worried
dioramicSpectacle [DS] has begun trolling guidedObliteration [GO]

DS: FIrst of all
DS: HOw did you meet Thresh
DS: SEcond of all
DS: TEll him to meet me by the Starm sMart
DS: THird of all
DS: TEll him not to worry, I'm fine
DS: FOurth of all
DS: I Have another guy with me
DS: NOt on purpose
DS: THey're attached to me
GO: ZYD!!!!
GO: Okay okay, I was walkijng down the sidewalk and threw up on him so yeah thats how we met, small world right haha
GO: Uhhhhhhh I will deliver the news that you are fine
GO: what do you mean.....attatched
DS: DOn't worry about it, just meet me there
DS: MY arm hurts like fuck, it's easier to talk
dioramicSpectacle [DS] has stopped trolling guidedObliteration [GO]


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