alabasterRequiem + captivatingVocalist in Amalgama | World Anvil

alabasterRequiem + captivatingVocalist

captivatingVocalist played by Kiwi, alabasterRequiem played by Link
captivatingVocalist [CV] has begun trolling alabasterRequiem [AR]
AR: Heeeeeeey thete cutie pa2tie ,) hahaaa
CV: hah sooo dont tell anycops where were going
CV: but it's at #secret-rock-club at 10 tonight
CV: bring your fucking ROCK shoes
AR: Yuoooo helk ueah!!
AR: I usually domt wear shoesd but if I habe 2 then sure!! .D
CV: you dont have to If you dont want to just a suggestion cuz the place can get fucking CRAZY!!!!
AR: Yooo wairt will there bne a mosh pit??
CV: sometimes theirs a mosh pip!
CV: pit!
AR: Mosh pip mosh pirt, Im doen 2 mosh eiyher eay >.D
CV: haha well I guess I'll see you there then!!
AR: Yeas you wiiiiiill ,D See you 2nighy!!
CV: fuck yeah!!
captivatingVocalist [CV] has ceased trolling alabasterRequiem [AR]


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