General Andrew Josephe Phoenix Character in Altran 5 | World Anvil
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General Andrew Josephe Phoenix

General Andrew Joshepe Phoenix (a.k.a. (Andy) - The General)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit and toned (slight muscular toning)

Facial Features

Tired, jade green eyes
Messy brown hair (considerably longer than usually accepted for a soldier)
Young face, clean shaven, small mouth, long nose, low set jaw

Identifying Characteristics

Tired green eyes and messy brown hair - "his fathers face"

Special abilities

Melee broad sword wielding

Apparel & Accessories

Casual attire - flannals over a white or grey tee, dark jeans and leather boots. black, slim holo on wrist. (later, Glynn's computer chip necklace) | Black thigh length jacket, grey paint splattered tee and jeans with boots
Uniform - Gold trimmed, black and red AM&DP uniform (thigh length, pressed coat with golden epaulets and sets of gold buttons lining the front, a gold trimmed red belt, back trousers and black leather boots). His fathers and predecessors medals and decorations
NightSilver - battle suit | training suit | KnightSphere suit |
Dread Hunter Ops - same KS Mark 001

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up as a high ranked, respected citizen in the Capital, Andrew was practically of nobility due to his families history and fathers position. He as no memory of his mother, who died when he was 3. He was raised by his uncle (Jolran) and Father who were both very military minded people so a military based system and mindset was all Andrew ever knew. He never had much to do with his sister, half brother and step mother because he lived primarily in the ADD HQ in Gatrona, training with his uncle or in his father's office growing up. Despite the structured training and strict regulations of army life, he developed a rather laid back disposition (mainly because he learned he could get away with it due to who his father was, Andrew is automatically respected wherever he goes and no one would dare challenge him.) Because of all of this though, he grew up without any peers or any sort of peer based friendships or challenges, meaning he finds it difficult to relate or communicate with anyone his own age and has a different mental maturity to most youth (growing up to fast it could be said). He was too focused on his training and studies to let this bother him through his teen years however.   He was automatically accepted into the Capital Academy of Military Training and Technological Advancement (aka: The Academy) at the age of 16 in ASD-317. His father brought in a new program in the year ASD-318 and he ranked class-A. He met Alexi and Glynn through their classes and partnered up for study. They were his first 'friends' his age outside of the life he was so accustomed to which provided all kinds of character challenges for him.   Andrew was trained to be a leader so it was no surprise when he was selected to lead NightSilver in (mid of ASD-318). This became the closest thing he ever had to a family unit, only it consisted of young adults his age. They were the closest friends he ever had.   After events at Tanrath, NightSilver was disbanded, much to the devastation of everyone in the team, especially Andrew. Even more so with the death of Alexi... He struggled with this a lot. A month later, he lost his father and closet friend, Glynn, after mysterious circumstances which utterly crushed him. He never had the chance to recover however as he was given his father's position as the General of the Altran-5 Military-Party for Defense and Technological Advancement (Aka Altran Military Party for Defense and Technological Advancement - AMP), assigned by the Agency (the technology and media department of the AMP)   This is his current role he's playing...


Andrew was homeschooled by his uncle and father. He started training to use their families famous heirloom, the one-handed broad sword since the time he could walk. Other physical and combat training ensued after the age of 6. At the age of 5, he began normal school studies (online based due to the constant change in location) which consisted of mathematics, communications and language, science and technology and basic mechanics and computer science. His physical and combat training was covered by his uncle and a handful of trainers of the ADD HQ in Gatrona. His father was always imputing strategies, ideals and leadership into him from a very young age. He started an intense system of studies at 10, learning tactics, leadership, history, military history and philosophy, multiple weapon classes and a variety of hand-to-hand combat and defense disciplines.   He started at the Capital Academy of Military Training and Technological Advancement at 16 and there was no surprise that he was top of his classes in everything he did by a long shot. (this also didn't win him any friends as his causal approach and laid back disposition made it appear as if he didn't care about any of this and like he was full of himself because he was good and knew he could get away with it - note, this wasn't the case, he actually was unaware that his actions gave this vibe because he was focused on what he was told to do simply because of the respect he held for his father's instructions)   After leading his team to victory at the Mid Year Tournaments in ASD-319 and being selected for the experimental Dread Hunter team, NightSilver, intensive team building and training began for the next 6 before being announced and deployed to monitor and protect the Western-Borderlands effective immediately.


In ASD-Year 319, the experimental Dread-Hunter team was officially announced and deployed to monitor and protect the Western-Borderlands effective immediately.   Andrew was team captain.   A year and a half later, the team was disbanded and he was promoted (the massive jump but expected) to AD&DP General (ASD-320)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Completed schooling at 15 with very high achievement

Mental Trauma

Growing up without a mother figure never came across as effecting him, however when he does invest himself into relationships, he becomes reliant and attached in an unhealthy manner (which he doesn't realize) - unhealthy 'clingy' or controlling attachment. Also growing up without peers or friends, he has no ability to understand or related to people his age. He was forced into 'growing up faster' meaning he also has an older mental maturity than normal for his age, he disregards ideas or concepts that either don't make sense to him or come across as distractions to his 'purpose' which is his training. Eg. friendship, entertainment, hobbies etc Seeing as all he knows is 'military', his ways of coping with stress or pain is to train or push himself. Being very capable, he has a tendency to over-work himself in extreme conditions and not think anything of it.

Intellectual Characteristics

He has a very high intellectual ability with his main focus of leadership and strategy. He has an extensive knowledge of their worlds history in the military scope of things and events and can use this to his advantage. He also has a very high competency in physical combat and defense as well as melee weapons (mainly their family broad-sword technique)

Morality & Philosophy

Has a soldier, serving, duty obligatory understanding of the world meaning he weighs things up with common sense and given commands. If he's ordered to do something, he will do it. But this will only go so far, he was brought up to think for himself and if orders where given at the overall detriment of others, his team or himself, he will put his foot down and knows he can get away with it. He knows that not every situation is to be treated the same, thus everything will need to be quickly evaluated and weighed up before a decision is to be made (and he has gotten good at making quick decisions in the heat of the moment)

Personality Characteristics


Duty driven, was taking life as it came and as he was told. He never wished to inherit his fathers position which he knew would always be an inevitability but he kept at his training and studies to prepare for it out of respect for his father and the sense of duty placed on his shoulders to uphold their family position and legacy. After meeting Glynn, things changed slightly. He began wondering what life outside of what he'd grown up knowing was like and Glynn provided that fresh perspective. This intrigued him so he followed it...   After he lost both her and his father, he lost most of what drove him. He was lost in amidst screaming voices telling him who he was so he didn't know what to think except what he knew... He was the General and would fill his beloved fathers shoes, being pulled in whatever directions his strings were.   When he was given Glynn's necklace a year later, his entire focus became obsessed with tracking back to what happened to find answers and closure...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Melee Broad Sword

Likes & Dislikes

Hot tea in the morning
Training | Swords | Hard physical activity | Destroying Dreads
Sunsets on the Rim | Reading history books under the tree by his mothers gravestone
Sunset oranges
Being listened to     Dislikes:
His sister and the step side of his family Computers
The Agency
His stupid uncle (jokes)
Disobeying orders or insubordination on others part

Vices & Personality flaws

Addiction to training and overworking


Solider level hygiene and cleanliness - neat all except for his hair


Contacts & Relations

Works under the Agency through the AD&AP
Affiliated with all other Government Parties as well as the treaty with the South
  Father - Andrew II Phoenix
Mother - Lillieth (Elswood) Phoenix | deceased
  Step Mother - Martha Saunder
  Sister - April Phoenix
  Half bother - Willum Phoenix
  Uncle - Jolran Elswood

Family Ties

Father - Andrew II Phoenix
Mother - Lillieth (Elswood) Phoenix | deceased
  Step Mother - Martha Saunder
  Sister - April Phoenix
  Half bother - Willum Phoenix
  Uncle - Jolran Elswood

Social Aptitude

Does well in social environments, however is more Introverted


Watches people and doesn't engage unless asked or lead to so appears quiet

Hobbies & Pets

Training, Physical Exercise and Sword play


General Andrew Josephe Phoenix

Best Friend & Team Member in NS (Vital)

Towards Glynn Marîs Eveayn



Glynn Marîs Eveayn

Best Friend & Team Member in NS (Vital)

Towards General Andrew Josephe Phoenix




They met in Glynn's first year at the academy (Andrew's second) as part of Andrew's father's new training program (in the first week after the tests had finished, Glynn had forgotten her bag out in the gardens and she ran back to get it. She had no idea Andrew was sitting in the low brick wall leaning back on the big old oak watching her as she bounced around, flustered, looking for her bag. He pointed it out to her, it was sitting at his feet, and gave her the biggest freight. He thought her reactions was rather amusing...). They were assigned to the same classes so they both (along with Alexi Martins) partnered up to study and train. Glynn had many crazy, challenging and out there ideals which intrigued Andrew. Her perspective was his escape from the confined and directed existence he knew. Glynn was just a friendly personality type so nothing gravitated her towards him originally, he initiated their friendship.   They then went on to live together at their assigned quarters in Gatrona with the rest of their new team. Spending all their spare time either training or hanging out. After Glynn went missing 2 years later, Andrew closed off to any other outsiders, filling his time with work.

Nicknames & Petnames

Sniper Queen / Gee (Glynn)
Sir/Cap *mocking tone or grin* (Andrew)

Relationship Reasoning

Study partners in the Academy Selected for DH team NightSilver Andrew becomes rather dependent on Glynn's friendship and ends up crushing on her as things develop (he never noticeably acts out of this however)

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Their ideals to protect others and improve things where they can Their interest in world events and how it's shaped the world they know Creating a stable and high-functioning system in their team

Shared Secrets

The ADIS Program
What Conna has gotten her hands on and her undercover projects...

Shared Acquaintances

Alexi Martins, Conna Eveaynm Willum Phoenix, Spark Michele-Elizabeth Lorral, Cat-Julie Lorral, Davan, Stephan Fox, Jolran Elswood, General Phoenix II, April Phoenix, Cassandra, Jessica, Heath

Conna Eveayn

Subordinate & Friend (Important)

Towards General Andrew Josephe Phoenix



General Andrew Josephe Phoenix

Team Leader (Important)

Towards Conna Eveayn




Met at the Academy through Glynn
Added to the team when it was formed

Relationship Reasoning

Team member

Shared Secrets

Conna's love for cats...
The ADIS Program

Shared Acquaintances

Glynn Alexi, Spark, Mel, Shadow Fox, Davan, Will, The General, Jolran,

Wealth & Financial state

Pretty well looked after as far as funds go...Money has never been an issue for him, never had to worry about it...
Duty Obligated Solider
Current Location
Year of Birth
302 NP 19 Years old
Current Residence
Tired, jade green eyes
Messy brown hair (considerably longer than usually accepted for a soldier)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
181cm / 6ft 1
Quotes & Catchphrases
"why is hope destined to die…?”
    "I am General Phoenix" - Phoenix Rises
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Altrani (spoken and written)
Ground Lander (spoken and written)
Basic Southerner (spoken and written)

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