Ayorhah Culture Ethnicity in Alterra | World Anvil
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Ayorhah Culture

A common cosmopolitan culture with influences from many races common along the South Meridian Sea and the Long Sea area. Adapted to the dry savanna conditions, clothing is light colors to reflect the sun, and breathable. Architecture is open and high to draw breezes, this culture is matriarchal and most city states draw from women to lead. The arts and crafts are pragmatic and functional. Ancestry and lineage are important to honor in literature and art. Common is the language that hold this culture together. Ayorhanian cities will have the most diverse kinds of leadership. Some have queens and nobles, philosopher princesses who are chosen by omen or argument, democratically elected leaders, oligarchies, magocracies, and even tyrants are known.   The first major migration from the crash site was taken by a mixture of races who bounded around a group of leaders known as the Bountiful Mothers. This may have been an organization rooted in galactic organization prior to the Arc Ship or soon after. While several factions took lifters and resettled elsewhere on the planet a very large number of survivors were not taken, these migrated out of the desert to settle along the southern coast of Origin Island. The strip of land proved to be filled with disease and dangerous life. This group had to pool resources and work more closely together for survival. All of those original encampments and cities were abandoned. The Bountiful Mothers had a bold plan to mass emigrate south east to the Long Sea region. Because they were left in the closest proximity to the Arc Ship expeditions to gather and scrap materials and components allowed them to make a large fleet of transports cobbled together from parts and pieces scavenged from the ship. It is estimated at least 200,000 emigrated in a fleet of a thousand ships. They landed in the area around the Besseam Gulf. This isthmus is still one of the most densely populated regions. The cities founded here quickly established themselves and because of the salvage efforts had a substantial number of tools, automatons, and devices and could build elaborate structures. Two of those structures are still used to day an may be the best examples of the level of engineering they could achieve. Cutting through the isthmus are two massive canals. These canals have locks and can move ships through the terrain 200 miles. The Ayorhanian peoples were the last to loose their advanced technology infrastructure, and even afterward they still probably have best engineering understanding.
Alterra Long Sea Region
Islands and continents of the Long Sea showing city states and local geographic features.
As a matriarchal society traditionally the leaders are female, family fortunes follow the female line with eldest daughter usually taking over head of the household who makes the major financial decisions. Males tend to have sway over the military, though female leaders are common as well. Marriages are usually arranged and planned between mothers, but that is not a hard and fast rule, though the more important families will have expectations.   Ayorhan society includes a vaster array of races than some of the other societies and traditions tend to be an accumulation of traditions, garb, and food. Power sharing between races is more even, even if the political power may be limited by that city state's legal machinery. For example in some cities a human family may be the princesses of the city, but their court is going to contain wealthy or connected families of many races so they can rule with buy in from other factions. In cities with a democratic tradition their elections may have limits based on wealth, status but not race.   Culturally Ayorhans are more cooperative with each other between cities, but rivalries and competition over resources and trade exist. They tend to fight subtly rather than overtly with each other. Ayorhans are keen traders and city builders. Caravans and trade convoys are what these cities would rather spend their wealth on over large armies and navies. Many cities prefer mercenaries over having to conscript and train and maintain large armies. Make no mistake, Ayorhan cities are well defended, but they dislike adventures and conquests. They prefer exploration and setting up colonies to bring in additional resources.   Ayohan cities are in two separate coastal climatic zones. Along the South Meridian Sea the land is arid but covered in grass. The soil is good for grains and ranching, but the occasional drought can cause starvation quickly. These cities maintain granaries and cisterns for storing water and tend to be sensitive to water use. South of this coastal zone is a massive badlands. This area is harsh and there is not much agricultural potential, there are some mining colonies in that area. From the Besseam isthmus and along the Long Sea the climate is wetter and the soil better for farming a variety of grains, fruit, greens and cotton. The abundance of this area supports larger cities and denser rural populations. Winters in this area tend to be rainy and rarely freeze, so winter and fall crop cycles are also supported.   Ayorhan Nomads are a sub culture that has existed along site settled culture since the migration. Nomads tend to arrange in family groups lead by a queen, or warlord. These people move about as they choose and bands sometimes split or join depending on what they need to do the survive. Many nomads are traders and important to the flow of goods. Often time nomadic Ayorhans will build a village and become ranchers or miners for a few years, then move on to another area. Some of the largest bands will attempt to raid cities and sack villages, or at least extract a tribute to leave them alone. Every so often some become powerful enough they can either capture and run a city or become the de facto rulers of it. Most cities try to keep track of which nomads are in their area and what their disposition is. . Culturally they speak the same language, and a shared history.   Ayorhans are colonizers and will travel far to establish a trade post, mine or plantation to bring resources back to their city. They do not often emancipate these cities, and tend to be nervous about letting colonies get too big or independent. Most cities would rather abandon a colony than grant independence to it. Governors and princesses sent to oversee a colony may be replaced unexpectedly with another to make sure no one is getting too used to running things on their own.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Tjedaa Nubkhere Siemkhate Sennefer Merure Arefet Tenofre Ahet Nereti Nefere

Masculine names

Meni Mose Tawenny Pashore Niuty Sethhata Djethy Sipashe Herenpty Tere

Unisex names

Menefy Munamy Seneshay Bakari Serkhemay Senefer Tanefer Meru Irisien Netnefer

Family names

Adak Benna Biset Kaheb Arnak Ahun Enet Aqqak Arak Anis


Major language groups and dialects

Common is the language of the long sea and Ayorhah lands. It is a polyglot common with words of elvish, orcish, dwarven, and a few others tossed in.   There are major accent groups and dialects. Meridian Sea dialect is common in the norther part, the long see dialect is more common to the far west of the long sea. Nomad dialect is common outside of the cities far in the wilderness among the nomads.

Culture and cultural heritage

Ayorhahans are a polyglot culture made up of many races so they see themselves as survivors, a great culture that is standing the test of time and providing stability. They do not concern themselves with the Star Walkers of legend, or what their ancestors may have done thousands and thousands of years in the past. They live for today and building a future for tomorrow.   The Ayorhah settlers who built the great canals also built great irrigation systems, sewers and other systems. Ayorhah engineers are some of the best civil engineers in the world, and build new aqueducts, sewer projects and have provided a high living standard.

Average technological level

Ayorhahan technology is advanced enough they can cast bronze cannons, but they are not the best examples. They are great ship builders and can build long boats that can work on rivers and oceans with triangular sails for tacking into the wind. They have excellent navigational instruments. They do not produce many warships, and most are combined trade vessels with armaments. Their cities are walled and protected with cannons, their soldiers usually have pistols or muskets available. They have a fairly advanced understanding of civil engineering. they have a lot of scientific knowledge about soils, rocks and geology. They have impressive aqueducts, water distribution systems and reservoirs. Most cities have a year's worth of rain or well water stored up for droughts and sieges. Ayorhah fortifications are capable of withstanding cannon fire at a distance.

Common Etiquette rules

A man walks in front of a woman, opens doors for her, and stands as a human shield in front of her. A man tastes her food and drinks to prove it's not poisoned. It is both a precaution and a loyalty statement.   A man shakes hands with another man, but will bow with a fist over his heart to a woman and will not touch her unless she tells him to. Even his wife.   In cases where a male is the highest ranking political figure among women he can speak as an equal. In all other cases when women are present men are silent unless asked a direct question. They are supposed to be on guard until dismissed.   When men are in the company of only men they are much more relaxed and informal.

Common Dress code

Nudity is generally not permitted in public for several reasons; modesty is an important virtue and not respecting that is seen as a sign of bad character. Second the sun is intense and trees in much of the area are not large so sun exposure can be unhealthy.   Layers of light cloth are the usual garb, men generally cover their heads with a variety of hats, turbans, caps, fezs, and helmets. Women will also have varied head gear, but it all has social implications based on status.   Hair styles across races can be tied to their family or city of origin. Each city has a few signature hair styles, each race will have their own. This along with distinctive headgear can tell you a lot out the individuals social standing and origin.

Art & Architecture

Ayorhahans are astute craftsmen and excel at furniture, lamps, metal work, instruments, jewelry, tools, and cabinetry. There favorite artistry is in what can be carried on them to show others as they make their way around the city. Their buildings are made to resist the sun, and capture breezes during the day and release that heat in the night. building decoration is usually done on the inside with mosaics, statuary, bias reliefs, plaster work and tile work. depending on the use of the room patterns may be random, symbols and patterns, or depict in detail historical or allegorical scenes.   Ayorhah cities on the isthmus are old, and built up in layers over time, there are many overlapping walls, districts, alleys and passages. some districts may be razed and great public work built, and centuries later these fall into disuse and are filled in with apartments and houses. Ayorhahans build with brick and stone. wood is uncommon, and not suitable for construction projects. Slate, ceramic, and lead are the favored materials for roofing.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Shreiking Olang - a traditional character, a masked individual with a round head and and silver body who must be doing a traditional dance but can say anything they want about anybody to anybody. Often it is a man, but it can be a woman. Their role is to tell the truth, or express common complaint that no one else can say without loosing face. because men have limited power in this culture, they are often the one to don the costume. the costume must have bells and rattles, and the person playing Olang must dance notoriously through the city expressing the opinion, then go to the place of power to who ever it is they plan to complain to. The person in authority cannot dismiss Olang until his dance is done. Once he is done that person must now play the role too (or loose face) and Say out loud "Olang! we all know this! Now be gone!" upon this Olang must depart. The person Olang complains to will loose face if they don't immediately address or plan to address the issue.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Girls are named by the father, sons are named by the mother. A girls first birthday is an important family celebration that may have far off friends and family visit for the occasion.

Coming of Age Rites

A boy's 10th birthday they are given a knife by their father, and if no father is available a grandfather or uncle. this knife is his Dedje an oath knife. when ever he makes an oath on his name or family name he is to draw blood with this knife. He is to keep it sharp and not loose it. Even a thief will not take an oath knife. If it lost they have to find a way to recover it, if it is stolen they have to get it back by any means necessary. It is a mark of dishonor to loose it and not exhaust every option to recover it.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Cremation is the usual way to dispose of bodies. The ashes are usually placed in a wooden or metal box and buried near their home. The house may have a mosaic or fresco made of the person to remember them. Women in leadership or with power usually have an elaborate ceremony run by the heiress of the family fortune to show that full power has passed to her.

Common Taboos

striking a woman. This is not acceptable and is a mark of dishonor. even worse is the murder of a woman. Homicide  between men is high, and not deeply investigated unless a woman demands that an investigation is conducted.


Beauty Ideals

There are specific beauty standards between men and women, and these are different between races. The humanoid standards see female forms as inherently sexual and fecund. Females are associated with wealth and prosperity, social and political power. Motherhood is an important backbone of their culture so more matronly and wide hipped is seen as favorable. Men are associated with strength and cunning. athleticism and grace.

Gender Ideals

Women are leaders, they are consensus builders, holders of judgement, their family names are important, who they bear is important. Not knowing who one's father is bears little social stigma, not knowing who your mother is can make you an outcast.  
Men are usually socially judged as how they are assets to female power, so they need to show they can act on her behalf with strength, wisdom and do what ever is necessary to achieve her aims.   Women dress a particular way to show their rank, they do not don male clothing, and have their own styles for travel, combat, etc. They don't do anything to hide their feminitiy   Men can not impersonate a women and not suffer some form of stigma even legal consequences. Lesbians are not unusual, and this incorporates some power politics usually and if not it is assumed. Male homosexuals that are out are unusual. Their relationships are usually stigmatized. It can in some cities be seen as anarchistic, a disrespectful act directed at the male-female duality needed for their society.

Courtship Ideals

Arranged marriage is common, especially the higher up the social ladder you go. Mothers with daughters are looking for strong intelligent sons, usually of the same race to produce a next generation. They are picky and among leadership families there will be moots where alliances and marriages are contracted. Second daughters will also have their fortunes decided this way. by the third or fourth daughter they are introduced to guilds theys may have apptitudes for and left to find their own mates.   Mothers of sons of all classes are going to try to find favor with someone of higher stature to introduce their sons to as a possible match. Mothers definately have favorites among their sons, and these are the ones they spend their time shopping around. The others typically find work or look for third and fourth daughters to woo.   This "otherness" of the non favorite son or third or fourth daughters give many something in common, having to work their own way and figure relationships out on their own.

Relationship Ideals

There are many expectations, especially for the wealthy. Having a large family with lots of daughters and a son or two is socially heavily favored. Prominent families have many alliances, work and enterprises to run. Commoners need many farmhands or craftsmanship to make production. Women keep an eye over every penny, the upkeep of the household, the productivity of fields and investments. Men toil, learn a craft or learn to fight and win for their household. They also are willing to risk their lives to undermine a rival, sabotage their plans, or intimidate competition. Success means they have proven themselves worthy. Failure means divorce could loom. Divorce can only be initiated by the woman, few men get anything from the family and fewer get rights to visit their children.   For the commoners and peasants women do not have as much wealth to hold over the household. These lower strata tend to be much more collaborative and share responsibilities more. Women are still expected to run the household and finances, the men are expected to toil and work, but they may have more of a say as to how it is run.
What do you mean that is against the law? Ayorhan cities legal codes, norms and mores vary from city to city, and will change when their is a transfer of power from one dynasty to another. In one city carrying weapons may be completely permissible, and in another city they may be completely banned except for nobles and guards. This is confusing for Ayorhan traders and travelers too, but establishing the law is an important show of power for who ever is leading that city. Showing you will assert and enforce the law is a required show of force. Because Ayorhan cities are not concerned with establishing big military forces and parading them around they need to show they are the keepers of law and order. Aware of this tendency there is usually a visitor's office near the main gates or port where the laws can be learned, and for a donation a page of the rules can be obtained.
Encompassed species
Because women are the leaders, most women are to be addressed as Mother or sister rather than mam, misses or lady. A female noble, president, or other titled leader is addressed as Bountiful Mother or Great Sister. A respectful title for a male is sir, for a noble it is Liege. Male leaders are not banned from office, it is tradition that the leaders are female, and in democratic systems seen as the traditional sober choice.


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