Thelin Ironfist Character in Alternate Oerth | World Anvil
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Thelin Ironfist

Mistress of the Forge Thelin Ironfist

Thelin was born and raised in Dyvers. Her clan was originally from the Lortmil Mountains but had lived in the free city for several generations. So she was more a city dwarf than anything else.   When her duty to the Dyvers City Guard was completed, Thelin made a tough decision. It was becoming clear to hear around that time that she would not be able to make a reputation for herself as a metalsmith in Dyvers so long as she was under the shadow of her mentor, Rhogar. He was nowhere near ready to retire so she left one free city for another   Thelin migrated to Greyhawk. She established herself within the temple of Moradin there. And she took on work as a sellsword to supplement the, at first, minimal income from the products of her dabbling in the temple's smithy.

Born and raised in Dyvers, Thelin moved to Greyhawk once her duty to her hometown city guard was completed. Also because she knew she needed to escape her mentor's shadow to establish her own reputation as a metalsmith.

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Lawful Neutral
Brick red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair but tanned
4' 2"
160 lbs.


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