Ruby Dragon Species in Alternate Faerûn | World Anvil

Ruby Dragon

Ruby dragons were a rare species of gem dragons who often were confused with red dragons, however, unlike their chromatic cousins, ruby dragons were creatures that followed laws and stayed away from moral extremes.  

Ruby dragons are the most physically imposing and strongest of all prismatic dragons. They are bold, blunt, and pragmatic by nature, but above all else they respect acts of valor. They live to hear valiant, epic tales of heroism from the smaller races, and may even be willing to trade Magic items for such stories.

Ruby dragons may attend war memorials in disguise to pay their respects to the fallen, or even attend the coronation of a King or Queen.

Ruby dragons actively oppose tyranny, and many ruby dragons yearn to test their mettle by putting their size and strength to good use. When a conflict unfolds near its lair, a ruby dragon ascertains the underlying cause, then offers its services to any side that fights for good. Once a ruby dragon commits to a cause, it remains a staunch ally. Entire sagas have been written about the intense rivalries between the tyrannical red dragons and ruby dragons.

Ruby dragons embrace challenge, and will often fight tyrants in singular combat. If their opponent is a more diminutive humanoid, they will adopt a humanoid disguise to even the playing field.

Ruby dragons actively build their lairs near places of volcanic activity and frequently compete with red dragons for territory. It might salvage a nearby field of battle after the end of a great struggle and take fine weapons as its own. It is not uncommon for a ruby dragon to barter with noble knights or veteran survivors of wars to fight on its behalf and protect its lair.

A ruby dragon's favourite treasures are powerful weapons and armour, particularly if the items are of renowned reputation. A ruby dragon can recall the exact battle and location from which a weapon or piece of armor was found. When a ruby dragon pledges to help an army wage war against tyranny, it asks for nominal payment. If such a request is beyond its allies' means, it might settle for a collection of old books on military history or a ceremonial item commemorating the alliance. A ruby dragon might also lay claim to a treasure held by the enemy that it feels would be safer under its protection.

Many, Ruby dragons, though not all, are renowned for their craftsmanship, and will often don the guises of skilled blacksmiths and jewellers. They will typically use their fiery breaths to melt metal and reforge molten materials into something new, such as an immaculate blade or set of armour. These hand-crafted treasures will take the highest place of value within any ruby dragon hoard.