A1: Holobox Item in Alterna 1: Legacy of the Shrinking | World Anvil
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A1: Holobox

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

A high-quality Decoration of Alterna 1: Legacy of the Shrinking

Reason for Manufacturing:

The first unreleased prototype of the Holobox was being designed in the early 2040s by a small indie tech company. But even despite the positive feedback of the public after the release of some announcement teasers, aiming for a full release of the product by December 2044 or early 2045, the Holobox has never left its alpha state. As during natures declaration of war, in the summer of 2042, all technological advances unrelated to combating climate change were put on hold indefinitely.
It was then in the year 2118 where the Holobox's alpha design has been resurfaced again and was picked up by a now more commonly known company of the media industry.
And after some years of fine-tuning the first prototype, as well as implementing the newly developed advanced AI, the Holobox was ready for release by December 2121. Where it immediately became one of the most profitable products, and also most desired Christmas present for wealthy families.


The Holobox appears at a first glance like nothing more than an ordinary glass terrarium, but with an extendable tablet on its bottom-left side.
On this tablet, the owner of the Holobox can choose between a few pre-installed holographic designs, which will be displayed on the inside of the glass box via projectors built into the frame, floor, and lid of the Holobox.

Main Use:

The Holobox is mainly used as either just a showcase, displaying fancy holographic 3D designs to decorate its owner's home, or as an alternative to a small pet.

Special / Unique Properties:

Whilst only coming with a few simple, already installed designs, showing some landscapes or maybe simulating a shy creature briefly popping up every once in a while, the Holobox is actually capable of much more.
Additional designs, utilizing highly advanced AI to simulate realistic behaviors of real life animals, can be either purchased from the store on the box's tablet, or self programmed into it.
Which can truly turn the Holobox from just a marvelous decoration into a friend and companion for life.

Additional Insights:

During its initial release in the Christmas season of 2121, the Holobox was highly advertised at a generous 25% discount.
Which not only led wealthier people to practically jump at the opportunity to acquire this new and high-quality luxury item for themselves, but also enabled a large handful of middle-class citizens to purchase the Holobox as either an outstanding Christmas present for their loved ones, or to simply indulge in a feeling of luxury.
After the holidays had ended, its base price returned to the high but reasonable amount of $3999.99.
With the prices in the integrated shop for additional designs ranging from $100 for more simpler designs, while the ones utilizing advanced AI programming got up to around $800 per design.
Item type


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