Energetic Shifting Spell in Altearth | World Anvil
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Energetic Shifting

Too Wyrd Quote
I pulled up the energy of dark goddesses and gave him a look of dominance and power. I felt my eyes shift, becoming ever so slightly more angled and cat-like. I could feel my throat change, too, feeling almost clogged or full. When I spoke, my voice was deeper with a slight vibrato.
~ Nicola Crandall, Too Wyrd
  Energetic Shifting is the ability of one to change how one appears to others. Those who percieve an Energetic Shift with Second-Sight will usually see the full manifestation of the spiritual form that brings on the Shift.


This is less a physical shifting than a changing of how the other sees the caster. However, there have been consistant reports of subtle changes in actual physical appearance, including the shapes of certain facial features, particularly the eyes, as well as color of eyes, hair or even minor shading of skin tone.   Too Wyrd Quote
I pulled the energy around me, envisioning strong women characters, like Maleficent, or Galadriel. I could feel the strength and charisma filling me up and making subtle changes to my face and eyes.
~ Nicola, Too Wyrd

Side/Secondary Effects

Some practitioners will insist that any Shift is an actual physical manifestation. Often, they refer to this as their "True" form and attempt to live as if they actually have that body. Others excuse their own perceived physical flaws by claiming they are physical manifestations of this spiritual form. For example, a severe widow's peek or male pattern baldness may be excused as "making space for the horns," or a club foot or withered hand might be seen as a way for their "tail" or "wing" to come out.   Those who use the ability often may find themselves easily shifting their own self-perceptions external of what their bodies are or are not. This can extend to height, weight, musculature, the presence of spiritual extremities, and more.   This is seldom psychologically healthy, as the practitioner may find themselves acting the chameleon, adjusting their perceived presence to manipulate how people see them. Since the practitioner knows what they are doing to affect others' perceptions, it can reinforce any lowered self-esteem. Ironically, improving how others perceive them makes them see themselves as lesser.   Of all the Magic/Psychic Abilities, Energetic Shifting has the fewest negative effects on non-magical lives, but can deeply harm the practitioner's self-perception.


Similar to how charisma and/or positive feelings can make someone be percieved as taller, more attractive, etc, Energetic Shifting changes the way other people perceive the caster. The energy or feeling of the form is more important than the actual appearance that the caster strives for. Any common features percieved is more likely attributable to cultural norms surrounding the perceptions rather than actual physical transformations.
Gestures & Ritual
This spell is done through heavy visualization and a form of physical empathy. It requires the caster to feel as though their body has changed in the ways they wish. A certain amount of physical dissociation is advantageous, though carries risks.
Casters often adjust the way they hold their bodies to fit the form they are visualizing. This aids the perception only somewhat.
Applied Restriction
Someone who uses this ability often may find themselves physically dissociating with their own bodies. This can create an absent mindedness about physcial self-care or a level of body disphoria that has little to do with non-magical self-identity.

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Jan 27, 2021 06:45 by Tobias Linder

Everything I read from you just makes me happy. So many dives into the psychology, Dark sides and drawbacks of using supernatural abilities. Love it!

Jan 27, 2021 07:48 by Sarah Buhrman

Thank you! I do enjoy pulling psychology into my magics. I'm so glad you like it!