The Stag with Golden Crown Myth in Altaros | World Anvil
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The Stag with Golden Crown

An old tale of a hunt for a deer with golden antlers.


Old tale tells that the ancient elf lords like to hunt. A rumor went wild that some hunters had seen a magnificent stag with Golden horns in a faraway forest behind seven lakes and seven mountains, in a place where no one has disturbed the peace of the nature. It is said that this Stag is the king of the forest and as a powerful, undisturbed beast of nature, it would be able to fulfill a wish of anyone who is able to corner it and get it to speak.

Variations & Mutation

It's an old tale of elven origin, but many varieties circle around; some tell of certain contestants who have tried to track the Stag, but failed, and then some poor hunters or people lost in (different) forests who have seen the Stag and the King of The Forest has granted them their wish or aided them to get back home safely.

In Art

The Stag with Golden horns is a popular heraldic symbol, especially many old wood elf families and tribes like the story.


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