Cathal Flaxwood Character in Altaros | World Anvil
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Cathal Flaxwood

A middle-aged human man wearing a leather armor, who has the aura of a traveler. His longsword is also not just for the decoration. He's a mercenary, driven by some unknown force.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Where Cathal is from or what he has done is a great question. He doesn't talk about himself much, but he seems to be knowledgeable of many things. He has shared with Ellarae's party that he was present in one of the previous hunts, not taking part of it actively but seeing the aftermath, 'carnage', as he said, whatever it meant.


Cathal seems to be good with his blade, but where he was educated in is unknown. He doesn't feel ike a bookish type, though, so most likely his training has always been more of a hands-on approach.
In his 50's
Dark brown
Short black, with a few grey hairs here and there, starting to turn to salt-and-peppery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned by sun and weather
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