Altair Murderbird and the Flirts - Timeline Timeline

Murderbird and the Flirts - Timeline

This is a group of co-workers running through this world.

  • 1423 RM

    12 Cilasparsa
    1423 RM

    15 Cilasparsa

    Too Tall Tower

    Goblin Worg riders and hobgoblins come charging through the valley.

    Valley of Atos
    More reading
    Tower of Atos
  • 1423 RM

    12 Cilasparsa
    1423 RM

    12 Cilasparsa

    Escape from Slavers

    A group of people were kidnapped from a trade caravan and to be sold into slavery

    Tower of Atos
    More reading
    Tower of Atos
  • 1423 RM

    10 Surya
    1423 RM

    18 Surya

    Gnomes and Their Spiders
    Military action

    Murderbird and the Flirts took a job. Magical spiders were attacking trade caravans along the western route of Lebrook. These spiders were not normal spiders. They were constructed spiders driven by gnomes. They were hired by the local thieves guild to cause havoc and chaos along the trade routes.

  • 1423 RM

    19 Surya
    1423 RM

    20 Surya

    Wasserwater Dinner Party


    Thuunder and Gunner excuse themselves at various stages of the night.  

    The New Person

    Raxinar arrives to the Johass. Sits down with the party. He informs the party about a dinner he was invited too. Lord and Lady Wasserwalker host this party. Tyrael recalls that Lord Wasserwalker is the one that hired the Steelflags. Moreover, that they should go this party to get some information. Raxinar informs the group that he can only bring one guest to the party. Tyrael and Ah-Chi excuses themselves from going to the party. Only leaving the super confident Rin and Marlow. Marlow was hell no I am not going to this party. I do not cover these steel hard muscles and jiggly gut for no fancy party. Rin confidently volunteers but the party dismisses him. A redhead woman towers over Raxinar with her hair down. Her eyes glowing opalistic. Eyes glance overs the party. Her gaze locks onto Raxinar and Rin. Uncomfortably, Raxinar addresses her. She introduces herself. She has mentioned her visions. She believes that those visions has something to do with Raxinar and Rin. The group untrusting of this new face. They ask her several questions. The team still untrusting of her after the questions. Raxinar suggests that he could read her mind. She has agreed to the probing. After a few more questions. Raxinar says to the group that they can trust her. The woman name is Astrid. She volunteer to be Raxinar plus one, so that she could gain some trust with the group.  


    On the next day. The group went to a place called “Life’s A Peach”. A costume and tailor shop that is ran by a well-dressed kobold. Raxinar and Astrid both rent costumes. Marlow buys Rin a pirate looking costume. Eran, from the Black Lily’s, invited Rin to the same dinner the night before.  


    The group discussed about doing some recon on the house where the party is located. Ah Chi was sent out ahead to do the recon. Raxinar made him invisible. As Ah Chi tried to sneak up to the rich part of town. A guard guarding the entrance thought he saw something. Ah Chi was too stealthy for him to pinpoint his location. Ah Chi reaches the top. He sees ten structures. All of which are various form of architecture. Ah Chi finds this baroque home with half naked statues of a sea elf holding a trident and broken waves. This is the home of Lord and Lady Wasserwalker. Ah Chi managed to locate all the known entrances and windows. He managed to figure out that the servants are preparing for the party. As Ah Chi is snooping about. A young street urchin failed to steal something from Raxinar. Both Raxinar and Tyrael tried to cast some spells. Nothing happened. Raxinar again launch another spell at the boy. This time around, the boy trips over himself and begins crying and laughing at the same time. Raxinar took back the bag the boy stole. Ah Chi managed to lose track of time. He ran down the Sterile Bridge. The hour-long spell has disappeared as he reached the bottom. The guard tried to stop Ah Chi, but Rin casted a fog cloud to obscure Ah Chi. Ah Chi turned himself into a little boy. He reached back to the group with Whobird on his head.  

    The Hare

    Before the party. Marlow and Rin went to The Hare’s Foot. They did not stay long enough to cause trouble. They were not there long enough to get much information. The fighting pit with a pixie taking bets and rabbit races with pixie jockeys. Makes this place an interesting to party at.  

    The Party

    Raxinar, Astrid, Rin and Eran gave their invitations to the guards to enter the Sterile District. They entered the home that Ah Chi has earlier scoped. They enter an entryway with gold leaf columns and marble floors. There is a motif on the ceiling of a woman saving a sea elf and nursing him back health. Raxinar introduces Rin, Astrid to Lord, and Lady Wasserwalker. Lady Wasserwalker talks their ears off. Lord Wasserwalker coldly greets them. He politely makes some small talk about business. Lady Wasserwalker attempts to hire Raxinar and Rin for a mission. Sometime during the party, Rin makes his way to Thaah Mornstar. Attempts small talk but Thaah pushes him aside. Not worth his time dealing with annoying questions. It got to the point that Thaah person guard had to step between them.  

    Non RP Info

    Lady Wasserwalker. She is looking for adventurers to go underwater and search for a lost city of sea elves.   Inal. He may need some help getting supplies for healing potions.