MBATF: A Day in Pessac Report in Altair | World Anvil

MBATF: A Day in Pessac

General Summary

Guerre Des Roses

It has been several days since the party has arrived in Pessac. They questioned the survivors and assisted the hospital staff. The party stayed in this makeshift hospital. Rin and Tyrael mention that they'll stay behind and continue helping the hospital staff.   The party walks into town on this bright shiny day. There is a cool breeze in the air and nearly cloudless blue skies. Something is different. Several decorative things are being placed all around town. Astrid asked what's going on to a town’s woman passing by. The town's woman mentions that it is a festival. The festival is called Guerre Des Roses. She mentions it is to celebrate fertility. To celebrate and pray for a fertile harvest coming this fall.   Astrid and Ah-chi found themselves strolling the booths. They notice a flurry of children coming in and out of this one booth. They go in with nothing. But they come out with these abstract and colorful floral crowns. Ah-chi excitedly grabs a young woman by the wrist. It happens to be a familiar-looking young woman. He asks her what is going on over there. The happy young woman grabs Ah-chi by the hand. All three start walking towards the booth. It is to create your floral crown booth. Both Ah-chi and Astrid squealed with glee aloud. Astrid created this beautiful and colorful floral crown. Symmetrical in every way in shape and color. She holds it in front of Ah-chi. Ah-chi and return hold up his crown. An abstract looking ground of dead flowers, dead stems, and fungus. Ah-chi is most happy.   Baruuta is wandering around the festival and all their booths. He comes across a booth that teaches glass blowing. For being such a big guy, he surprisingly nibbled with the blowpipe. Unfortunately, the tiny and thin metal pipe was difficult on Baruuta’s lungs. He ended up creating a small glass ball for his familiar, Feivel.   They all meet up in the food court. They all went to the food court. Astrid brings her colorful crown of flowers. Ah-chi with his dead crown of flowers. Baruuta brings his glass globe with Feivel inside. Marrlow passes out scrumptious bowls of meat and oil. They sit down to consume a delicious meal. Halfway through their meal, something startled them. A frightful scream can be heard slightly outside of the gate. A middle-aged woman has come running down the Northwestern road. Marrlow alertly stands up without spilling his meat salad. He begins to speed walks towards the woman. The rest of the party follows suit. The woman frantically explains. A creature killed the herd of Aurochs. A fierce-looking animal with two heads and no skin. They attacked the herd in the morning. She stayed in her home until the noises were quiet. Marrlow finishes swallowing down the very last bite of his meaty salad.   Marrlow, “Show us where you live. We’ll help you out”.   The lady begins leading them to her home.   A familiar voice rings in the mind of the party. It is the voice of the devil that has been tracking them. He mentioned. These dormant creatures were released. By him to test you all.  

The Slaughter House

The party quickly walked up the dirt and gravel road toward the frantic lady homestead. They walked far past the manicured vineyards of the town. It takes them about 15 minutes to get to the lady's house. The party notices several carrion birds. They are picking on the fresh meat of newly dead kills. These avians fighting for their feast are a little bit past the home. The birds fly off as you get closer. The party looks upon a massacre. They see nothing but the slaughter of innocent animals. Ravage Aurochs lay scattered across the countryside. Baruuta examines the corpses. Some of their bodies torn to shreds. Some of the Auroch bodies have severe burns. Around the burnt Aurochs. The ground suffered extreme heat hardening the area. A massive and monstrous creature must have been through the area. Only a few of the bodies display signs of being eaten. The rest of the herd slaughtered for sport. Astrid and Ah-chi notice tracks. It appeared to be some large canine prints. They have found many prints. Coming from the northwest and going back to the northwest. Marrlow looks over to the woman that brought them here. He tells the shaking woman to head back into town. It isn’t safe. The woman hastily packs the items she can carry. She gave thanks. The moment that she is out of sight. The party begins tracking this beast.  

Ruins of the Dogs

The keen eyes of Baruuta notice some unusual rock cropping. It doesn’t appear to be a natural rock formation.   The rock cropping becomes ruined stone structures covered in ivy and wild grapevines. The pathways are old run-down stone streets. The party begins to explore the path a little more down the way. Marrlow leading the way comes to an intersection and notices a gruesome sight. Throughout the area are dismembered and decomposing bodies. The victim’s blood soil the ground. They determine that the victims were orcs. Astrid studies the terrains and notices a trail of dry blood going westward. The party follows the dried drag marks of blood. Following the trail leads them down ruins and overgrown amphitheater stairs.   Astrid notices an opening on the far side of the complex. Ah-chi suggests throwing down a lit ball bearing into the opening. Astrid uses her light cantrip to make the ball bearing glow. Ah-chi uses his mage hand to toss the barring, but the shininess of the ball distracts him. He ended up not throwing the ball very far. He picked up the glowing ball again. This time he moves his invisible hand to its far limit then gently tosses it into the opening. Growling echoes are coming from the mouth of the opening. Marrlow takes point, as something comes out of the opening.   Several green eyes pierce through the veil of darkness of the cave. A large creature reveals itself out of the darkness. A three-headed beast enters the mid-morning light. All the heads of the beast are staring at Marrlow. The growling beast opens its gaping maws. A cone of blistering acidic flames engulfs Marrlow. Searing his flesh and sinking him into the molten ground. He took the brunt of the flames. The heat has also caught Ah-chi and Baruuta. As the flames subdue, an arrow hits the beast in the shoulder. Astrid then takes moves to a safe distance. Away from its deadly flames. Ah-chi enchants his blade with thunderous energy. Scattering along the ground. Ah-chi drives his blade into the beast. Transfering the thunderous energy into the beast and then disengages from the beast. Baruuta uses his divine energy but to no avail. Marrlow grits his teeth and gets angry. His weapon cuts deeply into the creature’s sickly skin.   Something else is in the cave. The sound of barking is growing closer to the entrance.   The beast quickly recovered from the quick strikes of the adventurers. Not only did it physically recover. Its breath weapon also recovered. It sprays the party with its flaming breath. Astrid managed to take a safe distance as the flames burned her friends. Astrid knocks another arrow and lets it loose. Her celestial arrow hits the mark. Unable to move, Ah-chi draws his bow. The arrow goes wide, missing the beast. Baruuta, also unable to move, launches a divination spell. The spell catches the creature with divine energy. Marrlow took advantage of the opportunity. Slices through the sickly skin of the creature.   It screams in pain, as it releases another unending torrent of fire. Ah-chi and Baruuta fall limp. Unable to fall to the ground. Astrid is shocked to see her friends fall to this creature. She knows that staying on the ground isn’t safe. She reaches into her soul to generate the wings of her ancestors then takes to the air. Marrlow is enraged. Even more, hearing the screams of Ah-chi go silent. He assaults the creature with a fury of blows. Another smaller version of the beast exits the cave as he finishes his swing.   Each head of the bloodied creature snaps at Marrlow. Marrlow ducks out of the way of one attack. Use his greatsword to parry another attack from a different head. The third head latches onto Marrlow sword arm. Astrid launches another arrow into the head that is biting down on Marrlow. Marrlow reeling in pain and pulls out a potion on his belt loop. His lips pull out the burnt cork and drink the potion. He yanks his arm out of the mouth of the beast. He practically cuts the creature in half. There is no time to celebrate the kill. He does a one-hand overhand swing on the smaller creature. His enraged swing accurately hits the smaller beast. The hit did not shake the creature. It retaliates with a devastating breath of fire. Marrlow goes limp.   There is no time for Astrid to mourn. She lets loose a barrage of arrows. The smaller beast falls still.   Astrid quickly flies down towards Baruuta. Cast a healing spell. She runs to Marrlow and casts another healing spell. Baruuta gets up and goes to Ah-chi. He examines him. He looks over to Astrid and the recovering Marrlow. Nods his head as his eyes begin to water. Astrids walks over to where Ah-chi body. She kneels and picks up his floral crown.

Rewards Granted

  • 800 cp
  • 11000 sp
  • 2800 gp
  • 130 pp
  • Fine Steel Choker inlaid with Fine Steel
  • Porcelain Vase carved with Knotwork
  • Sardonyx Box
  • +1 Armor (splint) (rare, dmg 152)

Missions/Quests Completed

The Devil's Due

  A fierce devil has prodded and poked the party for several days. Stalking them on their way to Pessac. As well as engaging in conversation. He does this to study the party tactics, combat abilities, and to play mental games.

Character(s) interacted with

Amber Lightharbor - A happy go lucky young woman. She escort Ah-chi and Astrid to the floral crown booth   Jane Vindefromage - Her heard of Aurochs were killed by a mysterious monster

Created Content

Meat Salad

  Pastrami, roast beef, ham, salami, prosciutto, olives w/ pit, olive oil, sautee garlic, and mozeralla cheese  

The Ruins of Old Pessac

  The party has located ruins. Ruins that harbored a warband of orcs and an arena of two monstrous beasts.
Murderbird & The Flirts
Marlow Unterbatch
Report Date
07 Aug 2020
Primary Location


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