Co-workers: Session 11 - Crypt On the Run Report Report in Altair | World Anvil

Co-workers: Session 11 - Crypt On the Run Report

General Summary

The Dual Travelers

  Far from the regular roads of trade inside Lord Zynn domain, two travelers find themselves lost. They are exhausted from hiking the path less traveled. Unable to get a good night’s sleep, for some time, and the rations have almost expired. These two travelers are an odd pair. One of them is a redhead female in blue and silver armor with the iconography of Selune. She is in her mid-twenties in dwarf years. A muscular leonin walks next to her. He has a golden blonde mane with black streaks in it. There are light cuts that adorn his deep bronze skin tone.   There is a thunderous boom echo through the mountain forest. Black crows fly off into the air. The ground around them rumbles the feet of the weary travelers.  
Brymroz “Ok, That wasn’t me.”   Gerda “Brymroz, please tell me that was you.”   Brymroz “It wasn’t me. Although, I am hungry.”
  The blast of sound didn’t seem to be that far from their location. They carefully hike to the focal point of the commotion. They see three unusual people standing and engage in conversation. They are standing next to an odd collection of stones. One of the people is a tall blonde man who casually follows the discussion. He is carrying a pair of sheath daggers. A young woman, with caramel skin and black hair, is leading the discussion. She is a flat teenage girl in the middle of nowhere. She is grasping a violin in one hand and waving her other at the third person. The last person is an elven woman arm to the teeth. She has soft spring milky white green skin and ravishing red hair in a ponytail. The elven woman presses her fingertips onto the teenage girl vanishes into a puff of cherry blossoms. Almost like the elf just murdered the girl.   The teenage girl disappeared into a bloom of petals. The other two begin talking to the rocks in front of them. Gerda and Brymroz both have a confused look on their face.  

Trapped in the Tunnel

Egret Duncar stands from his seat position. Something nearby has caught his attention. Walks to R’in and Bob, then he whispers to them.  
Egret Duncar “I think there is someone or something over there.”
    R’in casually looks up, to the direction that Egret pointed to, and sees a dwarf and lion-man hiding in the bushes. She is visibly a bit frightening to see the golden eyes of the lion-man. Bob also takes notice with a slide eye glance. R’in attempts to be stealthy, by climbing behind the rocks but got distracted by Abendlied.  
Abendlied “There are some creepy statues down the hall. Not ready to mess with that alone. How is the digging going?”   R’in “There is some like. Also, people out here hiding in the bushes. One of them looks like a lion.”   Abendlied “Like a lion? Or like a smaller cat? Cause we know a smaller cat.”   R’in “Like a lion person.”
  Brymroz and Gerda do hear the conversation that just occurred. They both have chosen to come out of their hiding spot.  
Brymroz “We’re also hungry.”   R’in “Ahhh!”
  Gerda steps out of her hiding spot. Brymroz follows suit.  
R’in “Well, hopefully? Ah, you don’t like the taste of elf. We are kinda stringy.”   Abendlied “What’s a lion?”   Gerda “The thing is. Do not mind my companion and his poor taste in-jokes.”
  Brymroz looks at Gerda.  
Brymroz “Who’s joking? I’m hungry.”   Abendlied “I’m still trapped in the rock. You need to keep digging.”   R’in “Um, would any of you be particularly strong? Ah, our friend is trapped inside. It would be really great if you could assist us in removing the rubble. And perhaps, I can find you something, not an elf to eat.”   Abendlied “We have jerky!”
  Gerda looked a bit perplexed from all the talking to rocks. Despite her coming from a dwarven society.  
Brymroz “Is your friend the talking rock?”   R’in “She’s not a rock, but trapped in the rocks. Which is why we need help moving them.”
  R’in does a bodybuilder pose and shows her muscles.  
R’in “Not very strong when it comes to this kind of stuff”   Gerda “Well, yes. I would be happy to assist. I’m not particularly strong. But, I’ll see what I can do.”   Brymroz “You know if your swing wrong. You could cause a cave-in. That would hurt.”   Abendlied “No, shit!   Gerda “Are you the person that turned into flower petals a moment ago?”   R’in “Oh, yes”   Abendlied “What?!”   R’in “Yes”   Abendlied “I turned into what?”   R’in “Oh, Abendlied you didn’t see. When I teleported you inside. YOu kinda burst into like flower petals. Very pretty.”   Gerda “Is there a particular plan for this or do we start moving rocks?”   Abendlied “That was the plan.”
  Brymroz walks up to the rumble. He begins to clear the stone from the pathway. Gerda follows her traveling companion. R’in is wary of Brymroz decides to stay a safe distance away from him. Clearing the debris away was tough and long work, taking over an hour to remove ten feet. R’in lower back is throbbing, and a few of her fingernails have ripped off. Brymroz and Gerda are both suffering from the soreness of moving all those rocks. Curiously, Brymroz looks to be enjoying this pain. Bob is the only one that used the proper lifting form to avoid any injury. After the ordeal. There is only 9ft of rubble left. Enough for Abendlied to drum her way out with thunder.  
Abendlied “Ok, everyone needs to back up like a lot.”
  R’in goes the treeline and hides behind a big tree. Egret creepily follows her and position himself to use her as a human shield. R’in throws Egret a nasty look. Gerda goes to the same area as R’in and Egret. She just goes behind a different tree. Bob is also in a safe area that is away from the blast zone. Brymroz stays relatively close to the side of the cave entrance.  
Abendlied “Has everyone backed up?”   R’in “Go ahead!”   Abendlied “Wonderful”
  The people outside begin to hear a six-second drum beat from inside the cavern. A thunderous wave blasts out of the passageway. The falling debris is tossed all over the landscape.  
Abendlied ::coughs:: “Right”   R’in “So, that probably made a very loud sound. Potentially anything within a mile, at least. Probably heard that so we want to make ourselves scarce or go inside.”   Abendlied “Not mile”   Brymroz “What I can’t hear you?”   Gerda “Is that the roaring sound, we heard earlier.”   Abendlied “Not a mile, the sound is only extended to 300ft. We’re fine. If someone is at 300ft. They are hearing us anyway.”


  Abendlied walks out of the passageway covered in the dust of the blasted rocks. She begins cleaning herself off. She looks over the two newcomers.  
Abendlied “Um, anyway. Hello, who’s the hell are you?”   Gerda “Hello, I’m Gerda of Clan Stonekiln”   Brymroz “I am Brymroz of the Orphayned.”   Abendlied “Ok? Honestly tells me nothing, but I guess I know your names now. I am Abendlied. Have these assholes introduced themselves, yet?”   Gerda “No, introduction has not yet been made.”   R’in “Hi, I do take offense on being called an asshole. I am the one that got you in there.”   Gerda “What information were you looking for then.”   Abendlied “We were looking around inside. There was a vampire we killed around here. We thought he might like have stuff.”
  Gerda has a confused look talking to the teenage girl Abendlied.  
Gerda “Um...that’s good. But, what information about us did you want?   Abendlied “Oh. Why you here? You are in the middle of nowhere. About two days’ walk from town.”   Gerda emotionally displays a moment of frustration.   Gerda “I’ve noticed.”
  A spark of remembrance hits Abendlied. She turns to Bob and R’in.  
Abendlied “We need to head back to town, actually. Well, not actually to town. But, I just remembered we forgot something very important about a day to town. We need to get before we continue.”
  R’in narrows her eyes and takes in a deep breath.  
R’in “Alright?”   Egret Duncar “What about those hobgoblins?”   Abendlied “What about the what?   Egret Duncar “Hobgoblins.”   Abendlied “Um, we’ll kill them if we run into them. I mean, like they have no reason where we’re going. We are not actually going back to town. We’re like going a day away ish. Um, oh. Are you aligned with warlord Zynn? Cause if you are. We shouldn’t talk to each other.”   Gerda “No. I am on a quest for my goddess and this is where she led me.”   Abendlied “What’s the quest?”   Gerda “Excellent question. It is a bit elusive right now.”   Abendlied “What’s the goddess?”
  Gerda gestures to the stars and a pair of eyes emblazon on her armor.  
Gerda “Selune.”
  Abendlied ponders over the goddess’s name. She recalls going to a temple of hers at Rojorio, but she doesn’t remember the planer extent of the goddess.  
Abendlied “I’m guessing based on the iconography this is a goddess of the moon.”   Gerda “Ah, yes”
  Abendlied satisfied with the answer.    
Abendlied “Ok.”   Brimroz “Yes, she is a lunatic.”
    Gerda is giving Brimroz a very pointed look.    
Gerda “Will you please stop calling it that.”   Abendlied “Are you also one, Brimroz of the Orphayned?”   Brimroz “No, I’m traveling with her. She saved my life.”   Abendlied “K. Well, we’re going to an old city to loot it. For pay.”
    A sudden arrival goes unnoticed by the party, Senate Forktail and Diego Ironforge. Senate is a cleanly dress middle-age tiefling. His skin is the color of heated coals, and his horns are ram-like. He sits there with a cup of tea in his hand. Diego Ironforge is a plum dwarf with blonde, going on grey, mutton chop, and bushy eyebrows. He is also in fancy attire. He is also preparing a drink for Senate.    
Senate “Yes, you are going there to loot some relics.”   Diego “Would you guys like some tea?”   Abendlied “Oh, you? Honestly, I don’t remember your names. Who the hell are you?”   Senate “I am Senate Forktail and this is my friend Diego Ironforge.”   Abendlied “Senate is congress also coming?”   Senate “Ha, I haven’t heard that one before.”   Abendlied “So, why are you here?”   Senate “Well, we are because we caught wind of some developments.”   Abendlied “Really?”   Senate “Suddenly half your people disappeared and that is slightly concerning. So, we would like to renegotiate our contracts and offer more services. Maybe offer contracts to these fine two fellows.”   Gerta “What are you offering contracts for?”   Senate “We are looking for people like these people. What Ms. Abendlied has mentioned is to go loot an elven city. Bring back any important artifacts Lord Jefferys and Lady McFey. In return, you get to keep some of the hordes and get paid a handsome fee. We could also assist you with any personal things you may need information on.”
    R’in steps forward in a sassy fashion.    
R’in “Look here, I think my fee may have to go up. I’m the only one of my crew that made out of the damn city alive. So, I think if you want me to go back in it. I think you’re going to need to cough up some more dough.”   Senate “My dear R’in. That is why I’m here to renegotiate. To offer you more dough for your trouble, in your words.”   Abendlied “I have three questions. One. The initial blockage to get into this city are three women that turn people into pudding.”   Senate “Egret has told us this bit of information already.”   Abendlied “Do you know of any information on them? That we could use to defeat them or bypass them?”   Senate “Lady McFey believes that there are some fey elements in a play of the defenses. That is her current theory on the information given by Egret.”   R’in “Oh?”   Abendlied “That doesn’t help at all. I don’t know anything about the fey.”   Senate “We did give you a combat and puzzle test. So, you should be able to figure it out.”   Abendlied “Well, the one that solved the puzzle test is currently in a different dimension and has not returned. Second question, you are here, are you capable of teleporting?”   Senate “Yes. To a point.”   Abendlied “Can you get us back to where we were camping yesterday and then back here?”   Senate “No. The device we have can only teleport us to a designated position.”   R’in “Abendlied, why do we need to go back to the cave?”   Abendlied “Not the cave. It was prior to us meeting you. One of our companions went missing. We kinda know why but not really. One he may be magically attached to his stuff and he may be back there already. And two, he had all our good shit. We weren’t able to grab it before we were kidnapped. We need to get back there to get the good shit.”   R’in “Oh, this was one of the ones that killed the hobgoblins.”   Abendlied “Anyway, he had most of our good stuff. So, we need it.”   R’in “If he is not there, then we wasted a whole day.”   Abendlied “No, no, no his stuff is there but he’s not. Or maybe, we don’t know.”   R’in “What kind of good stuff?”   Abendlied “Not your stuff. But, it will make me and Bob more useful.”
    R’in shrugs.    
R’in “Fine.”   Senate “Now, should we get going with the negotiation of contracts.”
    Senate and R’in begin re-negotiation the current contract that R’in possesses. R’in simply asked for an upgrade in payment and the ability to peruse the armory with the option of purchasing an item at fair value.   Senate, Abendlied, and Bob begin their re-negotiation. Abendlied takes an aggressive lead in the negotiations. She claims that she never assigned a contract with the Lord and Lady. Unknowingly, she did by participating in the trials and then leaving with the group that verbally agreed to go to the ruins. She negotiated with some of the same payments plus other stipulations. The stipulations were to have a neutral party to appraise the relics, peruse the armory with the option of purchasing a weapon for fair market value, and any information on warlord Zynn.   Gerta begins her negotiation with Senate. She inquired about who her possible employers are? Abendlied gave her a hostile impression of them. Senate informs Gerta about Lord Jefferys and Lady McFey. He enlightens her that the Lord and Lady were once adventurers. Once, they have gotten older. They have begun hiring adventurers to explore ancient areas. Having the adventurers focus on areas of elven cities with draconic allegiances. They wanted to know more about their history. For instance, what happened to the great elven nation of Iriamar. Gerta asked if she could get first grabs on any artifacts that deal with Selune. Senate agrees to her terms.   Senate turns his attention to Brymroz. Brymroz does not need a coin, but he is willing to do the service for information and training. The information that Brymroz is looking for is the location of his Pride. Brymroz informed Senate of the Monastary of Bane. Gerda told Senate about the town of Lenguatenedor. They led an assault on the Monastary that had been tormenting the land. Brymroz also would like to learn how to forge. Senate agreed to those terms. Senate informed everyone of one more final decision. The offer of adding a mercenary to the party. The party has the option of taking one out of two prospects. One is an arcane war mage that specializes in tactics and battle magics. The other is a fighter that is great with a sword and enjoys the challenge of a kill. The party took time to discuss the add-on.    
Senate “Once you have made a decision. Please pick the following porcelain statue that represents the mercenary and smash it.”
    Abendlied takes the fighter statue and shatters it. A gust of wind swirls around the impact site, followed by a popping noise. Standing there is a tall tan tiefling in chainmail armor. He vomits up bile next to Abendlied.  
  Abendlied “Hi”   Petlar “Ohhh. Um, hi. Sorry for the vomit. They told me it was discombobulating.”   Abendlied “Don’t worry about it. I got vomited last week by somebody else. Fuck her though. What is your name?”   Petlar “Petlar, and you are?”   Abendlied “Petlar. I am Abendlied.”   Petlar “A pleasure to meet you.”   Abendlied “To you, as well.”   R’in “R’in”   Petlar “Hi, R’in”   Brimroz “Brimroz of the Orphayned”   Gerta “Gerta of Clan Stonekiln”   Petlar “Pleasure to meet you all. Who am I killing or protecting?   Abendlied “For the next day or two, nothing. After that a lot.”
    Senate and Diego have disappeared from a sudden pop.  

The Lost Supplies

Abendlied convinced the group to travel close to the trade routes of Rojorio. She pulled out the map and handed it over to Egret. Egret thinks he found the location. They trekked through the wilderness for several hours. Eventually, Egret thinks he located the campsite a few days ago. Bob searches the area and found Gabbro supplies, but still know Gabbro. Abendlied explains to newer people. Gabbro was a former party member, but that he disappeared. Abendlied thinks that a curse from one of the party members gave it to Gabbro. Abendlied passes out Gabbro supplies to the people that may need it.    
Abendlied “Keep in mind, that is not yours. Its a loan.”
    They leave the old abandoned campsite, as nightfall approaches. Brimroz begins looking for a suitable campsite. He finds a perfect spot in an eroded dry creek. Egret uses his magical device to put up the magical dome. This dome has caught Brimroz off guard. He paces inside the area. He is unsure about this thing, and it’s making him feel nervous.  

The Tomb of Elves

After the little side trip, they return to the tunnel entrance. Abendlied notices that the area is a lot colder than it was yesterday. A slight icy mist covers the ground. They all continue inside, taking a lot more caution. Abendlied takes the lead. They enter the large chamber filled with statues. Bob goes to survey the nearest sculpture looking for anything magical. The stone figurine is of an elven warrior in plate mail. He found a battle or house emblem on the sculpted breastplate. It is of a serpent, or dragon, encased in a snowflake. R’in inspects the area for traps but found nothing nearby. Abendlied looks at the statue that Bob was examining and then looked over at a different one. They are both different elven warriors. R’in notices there are several upright sarcophagi, a silver bowl, and a mirror. Abendlied perks up ears on the notion of a sarcophagus. She attempted to open it. The layer of ice preventing her from opening it. She recalled that Gabbro had a crowbar in his pack. Abendlied is shuffling through the backpack. Brimroz took this moment to step up and cast a spell. The magic destroyed the nearest water elements. Abendlied found the crowbar and was able to use it to open. Inside they found a perfect intact corpse covered in frost. R’in jumped into the coffin and begun to loot the frozen body. She noticed the index finger of the corpse begging to twitch. R’in takes a step back.    
R’in “Oh, that’s not normal?”   Gerda “What’s not normal?”   R’in “I think they might still be alive. Sort of alive.”
    The creature stopped twitching. Gerda cast detect evil. She now feels four undead creatures in the sarcophagi. She decided to do a little jog around the room and counted about a total of sixteen undead creatures. She notifies the entire team.   Bob and Abendlied are studying the unusual pentagram motif in the center of the room. They both are looking over the mirrors. Bob examines the corner mirror and finds it in a fixed position next to a silver bowl. He dips his index finger into the container. Bring that finger to his mouth to taste the components. He sampled rusted iron, loam, and glass. Abendlied found the same result with the locked mirrors in the center of the room. Abendlied heads to Bob’s position to test a theory. She snapped her finger to cast prestidigitation to light up the bowl. A beam of light going through both mirrors and onto the center draconic sculpture in the center. Abendlied has a theory about lighting all five containers. Abendlied and a few others think that undead is a potential problem. Abendlied walks up to the open sarcophagi. She draws her sword and plunges it into the undead monster. The icy blue eyes of the creature open up in shock and pain. A battle ensues. Multiple spiritual weapons are ablaze in the room. Abendlied is taking the full wrath of the undead monster, even with the help of Gerda spells, the creature lashes out on her.

Rewards Granted

  • Contract, R'in
  • Contract, Abendlied & Bob
  • Contract, Gerda
  • Contract, Brimroz
  • Dust of Disappearance, 2 uses
  • Plate of Teleportation
  • Gabbro belongings

Character(s) interacted with

  • Senate Forktail: a representative for Lord Jefferys and Lady McFey
  • Diego Ironforge:  a representative for Lord Jefferys and Lady McFey
  • Petlar: a chosen mercenary to assist the party

Created Content

  • Plate of Teleportation
  Related Reports
The Co-workers
Brymroz of the Orphayned
Report Date
16 Aug 2020
Secondary Location

Articles under Co-workers: Session 11 - Crypt On the Run Report

Cover image: The Coworkers by Raveneye


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