Manta Médica Building / Landmark in Grenagem | World Anvil

Manta Médica

Purpose / Function

Manta Médica is one of the largest general hospitals open to any Grenagan. Children are completely covered but adults pay some fees. The more important an individual's job is the higher their priority is in the hospital. This doesn’t usually comes into practice given the size of the hospital. If someone can afford it they will often get private practitioners rather than go to the hospital.   The hospital also has a staff of doctors that will take house calls for those that can’t make it to the hospital. It is then the doctor will decide if the person will make it or not. If the patient is younger and stronger they will be moved to the hospital. Otherwise the patient is given some basic medication and told to rest.


Originally a small clinic. An architect was given the job of expanding it to cope with the growing population of Grenagem.


The Hospital is tall. Parts of it reaching eight stories. The main building is an octagon with a small courtyard in the center used by patients and employees on break. At each Corner of the Octagon rises a tower. Each tower has the capacity to house hundreds of patients. To some this is the crowning achievement of the Empire.


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