Altaelim Building / Landmark in Grenagem | World Anvil


An old schoolhouse located on the west side of the lower class child zone, close to the low merchant row. Originally used to educate non-Grenagem children into proper Grenagen who love their empire. Used to be a lot bigger when the Empire first brought Tantani to Grenagem \. Now it mostly serves as a laborer school and factory, still educating the occasional child pulled from the slums.

Purpose / Function

Altaelim’s original use was to educate the large portion of Tantani children being pulled in from the colonies and slums. Altaelim ended up being the largest campus in the Empire during this time. This was not something the school bragged about. The schooling was rough. Dorm’s were too tight and the teachers had to manage far too many students. As the years went on less Tantani were coming in and more were graduating. The extra space was slowly converted into general labor education and factory space. Now just a tenth of the classrooms still exist, a remnant of what it used to be.


The large school grounds were converted into a factory around the year 100. Many male Tantani now work in the factory making random airship parts or daily appliances used by the elite. This has also led to a rather cramped space as many of the factories were setup in the classrooms.


A rather simple large rectangle. Has three floors and an office building attached to the east side. The south west and north east corners of the building contain wide metal staircases. The building itself contains hallways on the outer edge and two hallways that run perpendicular through the center. The four corners are then split into four square rooms. This pattern is repeated on each floor. A testament to the structured nature of Grenagem.


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