1 - Meeting at the Inn Plot in Alphatia | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

1 - Meeting at the Inn

Firenze, it's your city. And now the time has come, it's the last chance for drinks. Tomorrow you will graduate as an apprentice. Your friends sit quietly contemplating their drinks as you do. Your time as a child of the community is coming to an end. Will you find a Master to continue your training as you grow your skills and earn your journeyman mark? Will you find your way to the Arta di Eroe perhaps becoming a great hero of the Isle as many have before you? Will you find a berth on one of the many great ships floating in the harbour and leave this city you have known all your life to see the world. The possibilities hang in the air, as the flags of the courtyard hang limp on this warm spring night. You look over at your friends and know they are thinking the same thing…… what is next?


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