088 Sproty Species in Alpha Edrox | World Anvil
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088 Sproty

They are known for being confused with floating leaves. They usually wander around trees looking for refuge from the weather, sometimes they look for the sunlight and sometimes they hide from hard winds.

RPG Uses

Riblof Ability: Seedtime

Terra and Hydro attacks boost its attacks +10 points damage.

Bylof Attack: Jump

If you are going to use this attack against another Bioversal, use your Strenght dices against your opponent, if you get a higher number you will do 12 points of damage. If your opponent is a Bioversal with a higher stage of evolution use your Strenght dices against your opponent if you get a higher number you use your HP dices, the results of it are the damage in total. If your opponent is another person, use your Strenght dices against your opponent Power Force dices, if you get a higher number your opponent will receive 15 points of damage.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

It's unknown the reasons behind some Lofey being able to evolve to this specie, but even more mysterious is the fact that they are capable to evolve into more different species related to Herba element, only if they are exposed to one Evrock.

Ecology and Habitats

They usually can be found in green areas and forests as well.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They usually feed on water and sunlight, but this doesn't mean that they aren't capable to be feed on Gemos and Enoras.

Biological Cycle

They spent most of the time underground using their leaves to detect changes in the environment, mostly weather changes when they detect the sunlight they come out to receive all the heat from the sunlight. They sleep when they don't feel any sunlight or raindrops on their leaves. When they feel the rain they raise their leaves to focus the water on their direction.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their empathic nature made them capable to understand most living beings, they are friendly to any species and they don't have any problem sharing the space with any of them at least that they get hurt somehow.


They are very docile and friendly, they aren't hard to domesticate and they are very easy to take care of, especially for people that are related to taking care of gardens.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their capabilities to detect the weather is used to indicate when is a good time to harvest.

Average Intelligence

Their intelligence seems more focused on instincts, it could sound contradictory because they don't avoid their predators, but this is because it is only focused on detecting the weather conditions that are in favor of them to come out to the field.

Alternate Forms

Golden Gen

RPG Uses

Riblof Ability: Vegetal

Lumen and Hydro attacks heal 10HP. Riblof can be fed on water and sunlight as an alternative.

Bylof Attack: Jump

If you are going to use this attack against another Bioversal, use your Strenght dices against your opponent, if you get a higher number you will do 12 points of damage. If your opponent is a Bioversal with a higher stage of evolution use your Strenght dices against your opponent if you get a higher number you use your HP dices, the results of it are the damage in total. If your opponent is another person, use your Strenght dices against your opponent Power Force dices, if you get a higher number your opponent will receive 15 points of damage.

Lofey Attack: Sparkle

If you are going to use this attack against another Bioversal, use your Strenght dices against your opponent, if you get a higher number you will do 10 points of damage x3. If your opponent is a Bioversal with a higher stage of evolution use your Strenght dices against your opponent if you get a higher number you use your HP dices x3, the results of it are the damage in total. If your opponent is another person, use your Strenght dices against your opponent Power Force dices, if you get a higher number your opponent will receive 13 points of damage x2.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their leaves are capable to detect changes in the weather, this natural ability is mostly used to avoid uncomfortable weather conditions. If they detect hard winds or cold tempers they will buried themself underground to avoid all the potential consequences of being exposed.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Many Bioversals related to the Borigus line evolution are the ones that hunt down this inoffensive Bioversal, they usually eat their leaves sometimes this can cause severe damage to their lifestyle.
Pre-evolution Evolution
Evolution Requirements
Scientific Name
Blooming Seed
Evolutionary Stage
Encounter Requirements
Time Encounter
Weather Conditions
Strong against
-- -- --
Weak against
-- -- --

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Author's Notes

Los colores estan basados en Lombre shiny

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