Soren; God of Knowledge in Aloreon | World Anvil
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Soren; God of Knowledge (Sore-en)

The God of Knowlege & Building; seen as the smartest god, he covets knowledge above everything save his daughter Kleodora; Goddess of Magic & Philosophy, also the god of building any structure a god or mortal race has ever created originated in his designs.     Soren is a god devout to learning, nothing is beyond him, he desires to know all event he unknowable. He searches for answers to all, in a feverish haste that rarely subsides. He is always looking for ways to expand the architecture of the world of the gods and break new bounds of what is possible.   He is one of, if not the oldest god alive, the Uncle of Roth; God of Truth.  Soren is the creator of the Elves in almost all of there forms, and is thus the god worshiped by many elves. The first elf he created was his own daughter Kleodora; Goddess of Magic & Philosophy.   The disciples of Soren are often just as desperate for knowledge as Soren himself and they rarely cause issues in the world at large and in fact very often solve problems for the people around them. He is often followed by more religious leaning wizards and by every man and woman that looks to build awe inspiring structures. The biggest issues with his disciples is the ones that desire to push the limits of building to dangerous limits.

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