Session 5 Report in Alora | World Anvil

Session 5

General Summary

... Taking a quick breather, the hero's enter the next room, more goblins attack. This room is much larger and with a huge cavern in the back of the room. There are other goblins back there protecting something, they see the fight and come and join in the fight. They were dispatched with ease, one was spared for questioning.

  The four kids were in the back of the cave tied up and looked like they have been ruffed up a lot and laying there unconscious. Not much can be done for them right now and since they were safe were left here for the time being. Click interrogated the little goblin, he told them that they found the kids wandering the desert and took them to sell in for slave labor and took the camels as well. The goblin was asked about the third camel as they only saw two outside, he said they needed food so they eat one. He told them that the door that was in the larger room leads to a few more goblins guarding some treasure. Click tried to get the little goblin to say that the threat was gone but the goblin added to it very loudly that its a trap.

  The team decided to go through the door and head down the stairs, as Ronin turned the corner and was about to head down the steps two arrow came shooting up at him, one connecting. A quick retreat and some planning, Ronin took the rather large heavy door off its hinges and used it as a shield and began to walk down the steps with the door in front of him.

  About halfway down the steps Ronin lost his balance and the door fell forward with him on top, sliding down the steps and half way into the room. When the door came to a stop it was clear there was no goblins down here but hobgoblins and there leader. Ronin was surrounded and knocked unconscious. The team rushed in to help, some were badly hurt and went down but Click marked his target, the captain, and ran past everyone and attacked and with a few good hits the fight was won. After a quick breather they found another set of steps in the lower room that lead to the treasure room the little goblin spoke of. There wasn't much in the way of money but there was some creates of fabric they must have taking from a merchant.

  After healing up the party and Click keeping his word to let the goblin go free they took got the kids together and camped for the night, the plan is to head back in the morning, giving everyone a chance to rest and heal.


Rewards Granted

Award XP

Player XP Earned
Click Whistle 400
Fuad abn Miraji 400
Groob 0
Ronin 400
Smoking Mirror 400
Violet 400
Zorkxire 0
Report Date
23 Mar 2018
Secondary Location