Session 16 Report in Alora | World Anvil

Session 16

General Summary

The team decided to leave the area, they didn't see anything worth there time here so they moved on. About an hour had gone by on there travels back on the main road. They heard a loud explosion and looked behind them. The could see a large metal box, kind of patchwork metal panels, shoot into the sky with a large flame coming off the back end. It flew straight into the weird shard hanging in the sky, the one just over the hole back at the mine. The team decided to head back and check it out but there wasn't much left of the area, it was burnt up really badly and the ground around the hole looked like it circles around the whole, like water ripples when you drop a pebble in a lake but with dirt.   Seeing there was nothing left to investigate the team moved on, loosing time with all this back and forth. They came across a small little village and was able to get a place in one of the stables for the night from an older couple. They were provided dinner and they where asked about strange shard in the air, but the older couple seemed disinterested in it and didn't really have anything more to say on the matter. In the morning the team gave them a gold for their troubles and the couple was so take aback by the generous payment offered them a large breakfast before they left on the main road again.

Rewards Granted

Award XP

PlayerXP Earned
Click Whistle200
Fuad abn Miraji200
Smoking Mirror200
The Invasion of Paxuis
Nudge Lacuna
Smoking Mirror
Click Whistle
Report Date
21 Sep 2018