5: The Anodyne Tower | of kobolds Report in Allyria | World Anvil
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5: The Anodyne Tower | of kobolds

General Summary

On the way to The White City, they were intrigued by the rumors of an old tower in the middle of the lake on the way to the city. Party opinion was split, but they eventually decided to sidetrack and go check out the tower.

Having purchased a small fisherman’s boat, they set out to the island in the middle of the lake. half way there, they were preyed upon by a young black dragon who took up residence in the island’s subterranean lair.

Once they made it to the island, they discovered it was occupied by the dragon and his Kobold worshipers. Long story short, they killed all the Kobolds and the young black dragon. The island is unclaimed territory as far as anyone knows, and the treasure hoard is meager but still a hoard, waiting to be dealt with by the party. The island contains one tower, a subterranean cave lair, two ground level wings, and is 3 floors tall with room to build upwards. The top floor is not complete or fully weatherproof yet.

Some kobolds managed to escape, and while exploring the tower, the party discovered that the Kobolds planned to expand by destroying or enslaving the nearby village, Skor. They decided to travel there and warn/defend them.
Report Date
05 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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